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MCSCRC—Under Pressure(蒙哥马利郡科学研究竞赛—压力)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月12日07:19:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        The project, Under Pressure, is about the factors that change the way creative thinking works. The project works with subjects individually, one at a time. As for the time, it approximately takes is around 3-5 minutes, however certain individuals may take more or less time. The subjects are asked a simple riddle required to test creativity. Based on a video made by Veritasium, a YouTube channel, the subjects are given a simple sequence of 2, 4, and 8, in which then they are asked to state the pattern. They must ask “yes” or “no” questions to help give hints toward the sequence. It sounds very simple, but it is not when the test begins. To make it a true experiment different from the video, I added limiting factors that will either restrict or help the subject. The different sets of groups are Time, Guesses, and No Limits. The Time and Guess groups will have a limited number of their titles. These groups’ data will be written down and compared later to each other.

         I believe the No Limit group will have the best times and efficiency because of how there isn’t much to affect their thinking process. The Time based group, however, I think will struggle mightily, since the ticking clock is always shifting in their heads. This experiment can answer any questions relating to stress during important decision-making times, which is why I thought of this idea. Under stress and struggling with problems, the mind can do many odd things and even might improve. I think this experiment should give some explanation of what causes the worst performance in creativity.




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