2017 Twp Rec Basketball Semifinal(2017年乡村娱乐篮球半决赛) |
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月13日07:26:33 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
2017-03-17 【Aiden in English】 Semifinal time. By now, teams are all capable of playing basketball. What I mean is that the teams remaining are all somewhat competitive. Unlike the 0-10 team we played in the last quarterfinal, the survivors all have winning records. Facing the fourth seed, we felt pretty confident going into this semi. We had no idea who we were going up against. So, okay, the dark green team had beat us once before. Then again, we beat them too. The only thing to worry about was the rumored star 6-foot monster who played on a high school varsity team. At school, the team who played them in the first round were chattering about a guy who pulled up from half-court, threw accurate behind-the-back passes, and dribbled in between defenders’ legs. I’m not sure how that’s even possible, so, therefore, I somewhat disregarded their warnings. Unfortunately, most of what they said was true. When game time arrived, I saw an unfamiliar tall player on the opposite team. During warm-ups, he seemed to be able to dribble awfully well. But as the game started, he sat for the first few minutes. And that possibly led to the best start we’ve had all season. Off the tip, we got an easy lay-up. Following the first points, our press forced tons of travels and bad passes, which resulted in more easy lay-ups. Within the first two minutes, the score was 9-0, and we felt really good. Then, when the second quarter came around, we were the ones who were pressed, and the lead was gone. The 6-foot guy actually played point guard, which felt weird since he was everywhere at once. And unfortunately, he was probably the best player in the league. Not only did he dribble and penetrate our zone like a knife through butter, but he also found tons of openings along the baseline to pass to. Simple plays like that really killed our defense. However, we hung in the game for a long time. Up until the fourth quarter, we had been trading the lead back and forth. I think this was a great game, as neither team showed signs of weakness. Like I said, it was close until the fourth quarter. Their point guard began to rain threes from distances unimaginable. We turned the ball over and over again. And somehow, after getting destroyed on defense, we were within seven points. Our press kept giving us second chances which fed hope to us. But then, the tall guy was subbed in again, and that was the end of our season. I think that this season taught me so much about basketball, more than I ever would’ve learned by myself. It was a great experience, and I think now, I finally understand this sport. Just going to say it, football is a great sport to watch, but basketball is one for me to play, and that’s why I’m probably am going to do the summer league as well. 【红霞译文】 半决赛来了。到目前为止,所有球队打得不賴,我指的是依然活跃在球场上的球队都有点争强好胜,不像首轮四分之一决赛我们的对手竟是常规赛中秃头队,晋级者全部战绩赫赫。今天相遇的是四号种子队,我们蛮有信心打好这场半决赛。 大伙对劲敌底细毫不知情。 哦,不是冤家不聚头。之前深绿色球队曾给我队下马威,而我队则以牙还牙回击过他们,唯一值得忧虑地,据说对方有一位身高6英尺/1.83米的杀手,他是高中校队现任球员。 在学校,凡是第一轮常规赛中与他交手过的哥儿们都说这家伙不仅能从半场投篮入筐,而且背后换手传球到位,在防守队员胯下运球自如,我对如此邪乎的传言置若罔闻,内心并未引起足够重视。 真是曹操遇蒋干,多数流言蜚语并非空穴来风。刚到比赛现场,我一眼认出对方那位陌生高大的球员。做准备活动期间,他运球好像特别娴熟,不过开赛几分钟,他一直坐在场外当板凳队员。 这才有可能让我队先声夺人,打出本赛季以来开局最佳水平。双方争球后,我队轻松上篮,接着紧逼防守迫使对方走步传球失误,这样得分的机会更多。没过两分钟,我们先以9比0领先,心里乐开了花。 第二节拉开序幕,我队反被对方紧逼动弹不得,逐渐失去领先优势。尽管这位6英尺/1.83米巨人出任控球后卫,但他满场飞奔无处不在。今儿算倒了八辈子邪霉,全俱乐部最佳球员竟然被我们撞个正着,他不仅运球老道突破联防能力高强,而且想方设法从底线找到缺口,他的出现完全打乱我队防守,不过大家顽强抵抗坚持了好一阵子,直到第四节我队频繁调换主力,正因出战双方互不示弱,使得这场比赛精彩激烈。 如前面提到的那样,本次交锋直到第四节才见分晓,对方控卫远距离三分球命中率奇高,我队乱了阵脚接连失误。 不知怎的,在防守失利的情况下,我队始终把比分差保持在七分之内,全场紧逼又带来第二次机会。天有不测风云,那位人高马大的家伙重新披甲上阵,可我队回天乏力,只好告别球场打道回府。 我认为本季篮赛教我很多东西,比个人自修收获更大,这种经历极其宝贵,现在我终于对这项运动有所感悟,对我而言,美式橄榄球刺激好看,是一项观赏性运动;篮球惬意好玩,是一项娱乐性运动,这正是为什么我有可能参加夏季联赛的原因。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011: 胚胎发育学(Embryology) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2017 Twp Rec B-ball Quarterfinal(2017年乡村娱乐篮球四分之一赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-10(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第十场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-9(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第九场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-8(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第八场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-5(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第五场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-3(2017年乡村娱乐篮球第三场比赛) |
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