Skiing @ Spring Mtn, PA(宾州春山滑雪) |
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月13日07:57:32 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
2017-03-17 【Aiden in English】 March is madness (haha, get it?). So far, March is mostly related to spring. However, the snow is now a common guest around the Spring Equinox in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Funny thing is, the snow hinders people’s movements. Yet skiing is probably the fastest way of motion I can achieve. The feeling of going so fast that you are on the brink of flying is extremely exhilarating. Exhilarating, yes, but also scary. The reason being is that when one goes to a certain speed, things can go wildly out of hand. Luckily, I have yet to receive an extreme crash from skiing. Spring Mountain is the local ski place in Montgomery County, where most beginnings and amateurs go for a fun time. It is a small mountain that is great for starters. Nevertheless, one can still take a tumble if their foot slides. On Tuesday, the snow came down in heaps. I loved how much there was, simply because of missing school. But by Saturday, not only had most of it melted, but it was also warm and raining. Water melts snow faster than sunshine. In other words, there were pockets of grass and ground peeking through the fluffy snow. The bright side of this was the discounted price. This trip to the slopes would probably also be this winter’s last, which sounds quite sad. I used to ski every month or so, but this year, there weren’t many opportunities presented. Fortunately, I still had this final chance to experience the blur of skiing. I can’t tell you how long it has been since I skied. Over a year has gone by, and the skis feel like two big bolts of wood laced onto my feet. Not entirely fictitious. After the initial surprise, however, I had a blast of riding down steep slopes with relative ease. 20/20 hindsight, I probably should’ve explored other courses a little more, but I was too lazy. Even the drizzle couldn’t dampen my spirits. The wind flying by, the snow stinging my eyes, the rides went by very quickly. Before I knew it, three hours flew by. I haven’t felt my body travel so fast by itself in a long time. It’s like I’m faster than the wind at my back. The only unfortunate event was the puddle on the lift seats due to the rain. It soaked my pants and inner layers with frigid water. By the end of the day, I had entire pants of water, numbing my lower body. I guess you can say the water really “iced” me over. 【红霞译文】 三月疯狂(哈哈,懂吧?)。一年四季春为首,三月可谓离春天最近的月份;然而即使临近春分时节,雪花依旧是大费城地区的常客。 有趣的是,积雪有碍民众运动,但滑雪却不失为本人最快的行进方式,在雪地上疾步如飞的感觉格外令人兴奋,兴奋之余也少不了心惊肉跳,问题出在速度加快,事情完全失去控制。 幸亏我尚未落到一发不可收拾的地步。 春山位于蒙哥马利郡,是当地一家滑雪场,深受很多新手及业余爱好者的青睐,这里山势平缓,对初学者来说恰到好处,不过一旦迈脚不慎,照样叫你人仰马翻。 本周二大雪压城,户外到处银装素裹,我欣喜若狂,毕竟停课放假是一个求之不得的开心日子。但是到了星期六,不仅大片积雪开始融化,而且天气回暖下起了小雨,殊不知水比阳光会让雪化得更快。 言外之意,蓬松厚实的积雪日渐消失,地上保留的草坪泥土得以重见光明。 随之带来的好处就是滑雪场降价促销,于是此次滑雪很可能成为今冬最后之行,听起来未免有点伤感。以往我差不多每个月都去滑雪,但今年似乎机会不多,多亏老天大发慈悲,我才有幸搭乘这趟末班车赶赴雪场披荆斩棘。 自从学会滑雪,我说不清已接连滑了多少年。一年多后初返雪道,滑雪板于我宛若两块大木桩重重铆住脚下,此话并非胡言乱语。几经周折,我总算比较轻松地沿雪坡滑降,当然事后说起什么都不在话下。或许当该再尝试一下其它滑道,但架不住自己太懒而未能成行。 尽管霏霏细雨,但丝毫没有冲淡我满腔热忱,阵风吹过,雪被刮进我的双眼,我迅速完成几个来回,转眼间三个钟头悄然逝去,我好久没像这样快速飞奔,一股脑儿把风全部甩到了身后。 唯一值得遗憾的是缆车座位上积水成灾,结果冰水不光打湿了滑雪裤外表,而且还渗透到内衬,害得我一整天裤腿湿漉漉的,下肢因此而感到麻木不堪。 到头来我真被雪水浇成“冰棍”。 Today in History(历史上的今天): |
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