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Montreal the City of Saints, Canada(加拿大蒙特利尔—圣人之城)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月15日07:29:57 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        After day one's experience, I felt hollow. With only three hours of sleep, I was a walking skeleton in the dawn. American Airlines offered brief moments of rest, but it really wasn't enough for my tired brain. The sluggish start to this trip also left our plans in shambles. Not only did we miss the meeting time of our first tour, so mom had to twig 3 schedules around and set up the easy one today after so much drama happened. Another day's tour replaced today's. Therefore, no activities would be missed. 

        The location of Hyatt Regency where we stayed in, downtown Montreal, was quite nice. It was within walking distance of museums, restaurants, shops, especially next to Chinatown. Today's Montreal City Guided Sightseeing Tour consisted of a drive through the metropolitan area, stopping here and there for pictures. To be honest, this was not my type of adventure. I prefer the "hop off, walk around" kind of tours, where information is much closer to my face. Under the condition that I was in, however, exercise was not a good idea. Instead, I gladly accepted the laid back, storytelling fashion of the tour, and occasionally hit the snooze button. 

        Montreal was a normal city on the outside. But because of its historic heritage, details stood out from other American icons. The downtown featured an old street of cobble. Vendors and stores lined the road like any other metropolitans. Underground, however, was a different world. Due to months of snow, many apartments and malls were linked to an underground system of stores and shops, which then revolved around a subway system. Essentially, this allowed the population of the city to remain indoors throughout most of the brutal winter. Our adventure of the Underground City included walking around for ten minutes, snapping a few photos, watching a water fountain, and getting lost. But the underground had three floors and a parking garage, which goes to show the extent of the city. 

        Canada, originally, was Native American territory. But like any other European country, France decided to "colonize" Canada. Therefore, the French culture literally stepped out of every inch of the city. From food to buildings, language to manners, Montreal was a French city among American wannabes. Luckily, we were not totally confused, as it is a national law that English and French are both equally national languages. Montreal, home to the 1976 Olympics, boasted amazing scenery as well. From Mount Royal to many skyscrapers, entire snapshots of the city could be captured on a single frame. Among the buildings, you could tell that Montreal was still a growing city. A lot of high-rises were under construction, and most roads had workers expanding the roads. This also showed that it was a changing city. Using a bit of science, the population has created many jokes about the seasons and their effects. They say Montreal has two seasons: winter and construction. If you don't understand, ask your parents. 

        So what is Montreal like today? Well, it's actually quite nice, like its people. They party a lot. They dance in the streets, hold parades, and gather crowds to watch. This gives the area spirit and a soul. City wise, the culture is in a drastic change. Technology has slowly integrated into everything. Montreal itself feels like a modern city rapidly growing over but not covering its origins. I like that. And in many more ways than one, it's oddly relatable to Philadelphia. 







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