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Why Columbia Univ.?(為何選擇哥倫比亞大學?)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2021年05月05日09:29:19 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

〖Why are you interested in attending Columbia University? (200 words or fewer)〗

        While I thoroughly enjoy teaching a writing class and hosting investment conferences, I usually find myself tackling problems of the past: helping a struggling student in grammar or providing basic financial literacy neglected by the public education system. Columbia University, which is dedicated to diverse perspectives and an enriched education, provides a unique path forward: the Economics – Political Science major. This combination of economics and political science offers real-world courses about trends, changes, and leadership that are impossible to find in other undergraduate programs. Between ECON GU4370 - Political Economy and ECON GU4710 - Finance and the Real Economy, these courses approach the future and where America is going, tackling problems of tomorrow. 

        I would love the opportunity to study under Professor Harrison Hong. His more recent works on climate finance such as “Climate Risks and Market Efficiency,” which discusses the under-reaction to the effects of drought on food supply, fascinate me. Through understanding financial climates and economic trends, and promoting creative, innovative solutions that move us forward, Columbia University would provide me with the chance to not just help others today but rather in the future as well.


〖你為什麼熱衷哥倫比亞大學?(200 字以內)〗

        在滿腔熱忱教授寫作課及主持投資會議的同時,我發覺自己通常都在處理過去遺留下來的問題:幫助遇到語法困難的學生或者填補公校系統金融教育的空白,而致力於多元文化高等教育的哥倫比亞大學卻獨闢蹊徑:經濟學—政治學專業兼顧經濟學和政治學兩門學科,注重發展趨勢、變化和領導力等實用教育,是其它本科課程不可能涉略的內容, ECON GU4370(政治經濟學)和 ECON GU4710(金融與實體經濟)課程着眼於未來,直面美國今後發展問題。


Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2014: Spring Soccer Game II(春季足球之二)

2019-04-22_Volunteering-20001.JPGKey Club @ Memorial Garden

(紀念花園·鑰匙俱樂部義工勞動 05/01/2019)


12th Grade(高中四年級)

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