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Industrial Satellite Places in NE, PA(宾州东北部工业卫星基地)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2022年06月20日07:32:40 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2022-06-19 Father's Day/Juneteenth Day


【The Man with the Blue Guitar·XXXII (1937)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

             That generation's dream, aviled

            In the mud, in Monday's dirty light,


            That's it, the only dream they knew,

            Time in its final block, not time


            To come, a wrangling of two dreams.

            Here is the bread of time to come,


            Here is its actual stone. The bread

            Will be our bread, the stone will be


            Our bed and we shall sleep by night.

            We shall forget by day, except


            The moments when we choose to play

            The imagined pine, the imagined jay.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——




















【注】宾州学院镇(Collegeville)虽说小众院校层见迭出,但最为耀眼的却是享誉全球的辉瑞(Pfizer)、葛兰素史克(GSK)以及陶氏化学(Dow Chemical)等三大企业所在地,这里不仅有新冠肺炎病毒疫苗新锐保留的数据分析部门,更有国际性制药大咖开设的研发机构,甚至包括化工试剂、橡胶塑料、合成纤维和农产品供应商引入的主要生产线。

浑水村(Perkiomen)位于费城至红人城(Reading)铁路线上,是20世纪60年代贫瘠镇(Limerick)的工业中心,兴盛一时的王者荣耀酿酒厂(Kinseys Distillery)、美国卫浴公司(Sanitary Corporation of America)和自信面粉厂(Trinley Mill)均源于此地。

吊索村(Schwenksville)属于下苍天镇(Lower Providence),正因紧靠费城民俗节(Philadelphia Folk Festival)的举办地而广为当地人所知。另外,它距离世界最大的默克(Merck)疫苗生产基地——西点(West Point)只有15分钟的车程,所以实为默克制药公司的“家属院”。

以下便是上述各地大多已载入《国家史迹名录》(Natl. Register of Historic Places)的人文景观。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2015: Santorini the Circle of Life, Greece(希腊和平女神岛生命轮回)

2014: Ocean City, MD(马里兰州海洋城)

2022-06-19_Collegeville Plaque0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_4007 Germantown Pike-10001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_4007 Germantown Pike-20001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Hollow Tree Trunk0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge Hotel or Lane's Hotel Constructed in 18000001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge Hotel_ Bldg on Auction in 20100001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge Hotel_Original Stones0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge Plaque0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge_6 Semi-Circular Arches Cover a Total of over 300 ft-91 m0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge_North Side w Rounded Columns-10001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge_North Side w Rounded Columns-30001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge_the Longest Arch Spun 76 ft-23 m0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Bridge_The Original Dedication Plaque0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Creek_ a Tributary of the Schuylkill River0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Perkiomen Trail0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Wame-Shawarma_Hummus_ Baba Ghanoush_ Tzatziki_ Falafel_ taboula_ Grape Leves_ Pita Bread in the Sampler0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Collegeville_Wame-Shawarma_Wame Sandwich0001.JPG


2022-06-19_Linfield_1202 Main St_Backyard0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_1202 Main St0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_1229 Main St0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Cornestone Family Church0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Evans Log & Stone House in 2011_ briefly became the HQs for General G. Washington on Sept 19_ 1777_ after the Battles of Brandywine & the Cloud @Malvern0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Evans Log & Stone House_Barn0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Evans Log & Stone House_Dining Rm0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Evans Log & Stone House_Family Rm0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Reading Railroad Line to Philadelphia0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Saint Clares Church @ 1228 Main St-10001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_Saint Clares Church @ 1228 Main St-20001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_William & Mordecai Evans House (Evans Log & Stone House)_The original log house was built w a stone addition built in 17630001.JPG

2022-06-19_Linfield_William & Mordecai Evans House w Log Dwelling_ Basement_ Bake Oven & Original Well Built in 17630001.JPG

2022-06-19_Royersford_Isaac Hunsberger House @ 545 W Ridge Pike0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Royersford_Isaac Hunsberger House_5-Bay Front Facade & a One-Story Porch w Victorian-Style Decorative Elements in a Vernacular Georgan Style Constructed in 18270001.JPG

2022-06-19_Royersford_Isaac Hunsberger House_Bake House-Summer Kitchen Plaque0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Royersford_Isaac Hunsberger House_Bake House-Summer Kitchen0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Royersford_New Apolstolic Church0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mill_PA governor Samuel Pennypacker made the Mills his summer home in the early 1900s_ and lived there for much of his term in office0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills Built in 17200001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_A Colonial Revival Mansion Surrounded by Farmland on the Shore of the Perkiomen Creek0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_During the American Revolutionary War_ George Washington used Pennypacker Mills in the fall of 1777 as a headquarters prior to t0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Foyer0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Grist Mill Closeup0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Grist Mill0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_It was purchased in 1747 by Peter Pennebacker & remained privately owned by Pennypackers for 8 generations0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Monumnet of the Revolutionary War Encapmpment0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Plaque0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Porch0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Stairs0001.JPG

2022-06-19_Schwenksville_Pennypacker Mills_Survey0001.JPG




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