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St. John's in Newfoundland, Canada(加拿大新大陸省神慈聖徒市)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2023年10月12日11:44:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2023-08-27  National Tug of War Day

【Ode to Newfoundland - National Anthem of Newfoundland (1907-1947)】

Governor Sir Cavendish Boyle (1849-1916)

        When sun rays crown thy pine-clad hills,

        And summer spreads her hand,

        When silvern voices tune thy rills,

        We love thee, smiling land.


        When spreads thy cloak of shimmering white,

        At winter's stern command,

        Thro' shortened day, and starlit night,

        We love thee, frozen land.


        When blinding storm gusts fret thy shore,

        And wild waves lash thy strand,

        Thro' spindrift swirl, and tempest roar,

        We love thee windswept land.


        As loved our fathers, so we love,

        Where once they stood, we stand;

        Their prayer we raise to Heaven above,

        God guard thee, Newfoundland.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——























【注】1907年,紐芬蘭“新大陸”曾是一個獨立的國家,與新西蘭、澳大利亞和加拿大一起被英國授予自治領地位,直到1949年加入加拿大聯邦。2001年,它由新大陸改為新大陸與大地(Newfoundland and Labrador),更加強化了“新大陸”寓意,不管神慈聖徒是首都還是省會,一直被視為北美最東端的城池(不包括格陵蘭“綠地”島)。

Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2016 MontCo Youth Field Day(2016年蒙郡青少年野營日)

2015: Beijing—Temple of Heaven, China(北京天壇)

2014: GHCS Camp─Origami(光華夏令營摺紙)

St John's Newfoundland0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Downtown on the Avalon Peninsula's NE Coast for North America's Most Easterly City (Excluding Greenland)-2M0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Queen's Battery Barracks Overlooking & Protecting the Harbor0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Cape Spear_Current Lighthouse (1955)-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Cape Spear_Original Lighthouse (1836)-30001.JPG

2023-08-27_Cuckolds Cove @ Northwest of Trinity Bay-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Fort Amherst w Man-made Harbour_ a Lighthouse & Remains of Gun Emplacements Built during WWII to defend against German U-boats-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_South Side Parking Lot-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_The Narrows Threading the Eye of the Needle_ the Only Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to St. John's Harbour-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Cabot Tower (1898) to commemorate the 400th anniversary of John Cabot's landing in NF_ & Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Harbourside Park_Newfoundland & Labrador Dog Statues-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Sugarloaf Path w Gibbett Hill Formation_Ediacaran Unit Cropping out in Eastern NF Representing a Delta-Top Setting-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Jelly Bean Row on the Hilly Terrain & Steep Maze of Residential Streets Typically Painted in Bright Colors-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Quidi Vidi Brewery_Home of the Famous Iceberg Beer0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Water Street_ Notable for Its Boutiques & Restaurants0001.JPG

2023-08-27_The Rooms of the Cultural Facility over the Harbor0001.JPG

2023-08-27_2023-08-27_The Rooms of the Cultural Facility vs Confederation Bldg, Home to the NF & Labrador House of Assembly0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Basilica Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Dominating the Skyline of the City-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_Supreme Court (1729)0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Church_Basilica of St. John the Baptist-20001.JPG

2023-08-27_Church_Gower Street United Church_Home to the oldest United Church congregation in St. John's (1896)0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Church_Our Lady of Mercy Convent and Chapel (1857)0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Church_St. Thomas' Church_the Oldest Church w a Timber Frame in the Gothic Revival Style (1836)0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Natl War Memorial-10001.JPG

2023-08-27_City Hall0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Colonial Bldg_Home to the Newfoundland Government & the House of Assembly from 1850 to 19590001.JPG

2023-08-27_Mary Brown's Centre_an Indoor Arena & Entertainment Venue0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Dept of Natl Defence (Formerly US Military Base)0001.JPG

2023-08-27_Signal Hill_Directional Signs0001.JPG



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