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20th PA Conference for Women, Philly(费城第20届宾州妇女大会)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2023年11月02日05:33:15 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2023-10-19 National Seafood Bisque Day

【Reality is an activity of the most august imagination (1954)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        Last Friday, in the big light of last Friday night,

        We drove home from Cornwall to Hartford, late.

        It was not a night blown at a glassworks in Vienna

        Or Venice, motionless, gathering time and dust.

        There was a crush of strength in a grinding going round,

        Under the front of the westward evening star,

        The vigor of glory, a glittering in the veins,

        As things emerged and moved and were dissolved,

        Either in distance, change or nothingness,

        The visible transformations of summer night,

        An argentine abstraction approaching form

        And suddenly denying itself away.

        There was an insolid billowing of the solid.

        Night's moonlight lake was neither water nor air.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
























1) 给予快乐·野猪:奥运会金牌得主兼甲状腺眼病患者倡导者

2) 美丽·耕作夫人阁下:新西兰总理(2017-2023)、哈佛大学高级研究员、基督城行动呼吁特使兼董事会成员、“为地球奋斗奖”获得者

3) 抚养·勇士:厨师与人道主义

4) 基督信徒·仙女:作家、喜剧家、演员、制片人与著作家

“Work-life balance” is one of the most critical issues women face today–even if many of us see the idea of “balance” as a bit quixotic. 

But what if there is a deeper way of looking at the issue? One that doesn’t seek a literal balance of hours but a more meaningful sense of value in how we spend our time?

After all, as the inestimable Dolly Parton once advised: “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

And that life can include meaningful time at work, with loved ones, and engaged in interests unrelated to work or family that bring us true happiness.

Four Keynote Speakers:

1) Gail Devers, Olympic Gold Medalist & Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Patient Advocate

2) The Rt. Hon. Dame Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister, New Zealand (2017-2023); Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Special Envoy, Christchurch Call to Action & Board Member, The Earthshot Prize

3) José Andrés, Chef & Humanitarian

4) Tina Fey, Writer, Comedian, Actress, Producer & Author

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2016: Personal Narrative: A Very Cold World(记叙文─冰冷的世界)

2014: 光华七年级B班演讲比赛—夏天的来历(虚构)(2014 G7B Speech—Summer)


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