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Little Fujian in Manhattan Enclave, NYC(纽约城飞地—小福州)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2023年11月11日05:36:32 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2023-11-04 National Bison Day

【July Mountain (1955)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

            We live in a constellation

            Of patches and of pitches,

            Not in a single world,

            In things said well in music,

            On the piano and in speech, 


            As in the page of poetry-

            Thinkers without final thoughts

            In an always incipient cosmos.

            The way, when we climb a mountain,

            Vermont throws itself together.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——

















Today in History(历史上的今天):

2023: Manhattan-Brooklyn Bridges, NYC(纽约城·曼哈顿与布鲁克林大桥)

2014: Tulum Mayan Ruins, Mexico(墨西哥黎明城玛雅遗址)

Little Fuzhou0001.JPG

2023-11-04_E Broadway Westward to the Manhattan Bridge-10001.JPG

2023-11-04_Little Fuzhou Neighborhood within Manhattan's Chinatown on E Broadway-10001.JPG

2023-11-04_E Broadway Eastward to the Manhattan Bridge0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Lower East Side War Memorial in Memory of Those Who Made teh Supreme Sacrifice in Defense of Their Country0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Fukien American Association-10001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Chatham Square Branch of the New York Public Library0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Kimlau Square_Statue of Lin Zexu0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Kimlau Square_Kimlau Memorial Arch to  honor those of Chinese ancestry who fought and died for the US0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Little Fuzhou Neighborhood within Manhattan's Chinatown on Forsyth St-20001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_One Manhattan Square0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Eldrige & Division St0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Hwa Yuan Szechuan_Façade0001.JPG

Façade of Hwa Yuan Szechuan (花园川菜馆·正门)

2023-11-04_Hwa Yuan Szechuan_Dining Hall-10001.JPGInterior Dining Hall of Hwa Yuan Szechuan

(花园川菜馆·里间餐厅 11-04-2023)

2023-11-04_Hwa Yuan Szechuan_Lunch0001.JPGAppertizers @ Hwa Yuan Szechuan

(花园川菜馆·头台 11-04-2023)



USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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