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Civic Ctr, NYC(紐約城·市政中心)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2023年11月17日09:34:20 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2023-11-04 National Play Outside Day

【An Old Man Asleep (1952)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The two worlds are asleep, are sleeping, now.

        A dumb sense possesses them in a kind of solemnity.

        The self and the earth — your thoughts, your feelings,

        Your beliefs and disbeliefs, your whole peculiar plot;

        The redness of your reddish chestnut trees,

        The river motion, the drowsy motion of the river R.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——











上個世紀90年代我剛搬到紐約城的那一年正值鍾愛·棕色武士(David Dinkins)和名狼·公正(Rudy Giuliani)兩任市長交替,對其面臨的社會治安問題感同身受,五年的生活讓我見證了它是如何面對挑戰,又是怎樣撥亂反正,重振今天的經濟繁榮。

Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2023: Immersive Hall des Lumières, NYC(紐約城燈光廳·沉浸式藝術館)

2023: Manhattan-Brooklyn Bridges, NYC(紐約城·曼哈頓與布魯克林大橋)

2023: Little Fujian in Manhattan Enclave, NYC(紐約城飛地—小福州)

2014: Tulum Mayan Ruins, Mexico(墨西哥黎明城瑪雅遺址)

Civic Ctr0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Beekman Hotel & Residences-125 Greenwich St-3 WTC Tower-Woolworth-30 Park Place-10001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Thurgood Marshall US Courthouse & Municipal0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Civic Center_Centre St View0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_David N. Dinkins Manhattan Municipal_Façade0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_David N. Dinkins Manhattan Municipal_Rotunda0001.JPG

1999-10-09_5 in 1 Sculpture @ One Police Plaza0001.JPG

2023-11-04_5 in 1 Sculpture @ One Police Plaza-10001.JPG

2023-11-04_Park of City Hall_Statue of Horace Greeley_ the Founder of NY Tribute0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Hall des Lumières @ Historic Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank (1912) in the Beaux-Arts0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Tweed Courthouse (1881) in the Italianate Style w Romanesque Revival Interiors_Façade0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Tweed Courthouse (1881) in the Italianate Style w Romanesque Revival Interiors_Interior0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Municipal-Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse-Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church & Thurgood Marshall US Courthouse0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Foley Square_Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse _Interior0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Surrogate's Court_Façade0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Surrogate's Court_Rotunda0001.JPG

2023-11-04_African Burial Ground National Monument0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_New York State Supreme Court_Façade0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Bldg_Louis J. Lefkowitz State Office  or City Clerks Office (1930)0001.JPG

2023-11-04_13 Moons (Seeds) Featureing 13 Spheres_ Each Crafted from the Remains of Eucalyptus Trees Illegally Plundered in Peru @ Buttho Plaza0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Abandoned Worth St. Station0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Downtown Community Television Center0001.JPG

2023-11-04_Park_Collect Pond_Reza Aramesh_ Action 182 Site of the Fall-Study of the Renaissance Garden_ At 0101pm Saturday 03 Feb 19680001.JPG


USA·New York(美國·紐約州)


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