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2023 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2023年神州基督教會感恩節)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2023年11月29日10:13:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2023-11-24 Black Friday

【The World as Meditation (1952)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

J’ai passé trop de temps à travailler mon violon, à voyager. Mais l'exercice essentiel du compositeur—la méditation—rien ne l'a jamais suspendu en moi … Je vis un rêve permanent, qui ne s'arrête ni nuit ni jour.

Georges Enesco

    Is it Ulysses that approaches from the east,

    The interminable adventurer? The trees are mended.

    That winter is washed away. Someone is moving


    On the horizon and lifting himself up above it.

    A form of fire approaches the cretonnes of Penelope,

    Whose mere savage presence awakens the world in which she dwells.


    She has composed, so long, a self with which to welcome him,

    Companion to his self for her, which she imagined,

    Two in a deep-founded sheltering, friend and dear friend.


    The trees had been mended, as an essential exercise

    In an inhuman meditation, larger than her own.

    No winds like dogs watched over her at night.


    She wanted nothing he could not bring her by coming alone.

    She wanted no fetchings. His arms would be her necklace

    And her belt, the final fortune of their desire.


    But was it Ulysses? Or was it only the warmth of the sun

    On her pillow? The thought kept beating in her like her heart.

    The two kept beating together. It was only day.


    It was Ulysses and it was not. Yet they had met,

    Friend and dear friend and a planet's encouragement.

    The barbarous strength within her would never fail.


    She would talk a little to herself as she combed her hair,

    Repeating his name with its patient syllables,

    Never forgetting him that kept coming constantly so near.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——






































Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2022: Thankful Dinner @ Bamboo Szechuan, PA(蜀苑川菜館·感恩節晚餐)

2017 Thanksgiving @ CGCC(2017年神州基督教會感恩節)

2011: Narrative─Thanksgiving Turkey(記敘文─感恩節火雞)

2005-11-19_China Grace Christian Church0001.JPG

2006-11-18_China Grace Christian Church_M0001.JPG

2009-11-26_Hymn_Grace Will Suffice0001.JPG

2010-11-26_The Meaning of Love-2M0001.JPG

2011-11-25_Hymn_Joy to the World-2M0001.JPG

2012-11-23_Bethlehem Baptist Church0001.JPG

2015-11-27_Hymn_Count Your Blessings0001.JPG

2016-11-25_Thanksgiving Celebration @ CGCC0001.JPG

2017-11-24_Thanksgiving Celebration @ CGCC0001.JPG

2018-11-23_Give Thanks to the Lord @ CGCC0001.JPG

2019-11-29_Words of Thanksfulness from the Scripture_M0001.JPG


2023-11-24_Prise Him-2M0001.JPG



2022 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2022年神州基督教會感恩節)

2019 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2019年神州基督教會感恩節)

2017 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2017年神州基督教會感恩節)

2016 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2016年神州基督教會感恩節)

2015 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2015年神州基督教會感恩節)


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