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All at Once, Summer Collapsed into Fall(一瞬間夏天到秋天)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2023年12月05日11:42:36 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2023-11-30 National Mousse Day

【The Rock - The Poem as Icon (1954)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

    It is not enough to cover the rock with leaves.

    We must be cured of it by a cure of the ground

    Or a cure of ourselves, that is equal to a cure


    Of the ground, a cure beyond forgetfulness.

    And yet the leaves, if they broke into bud,

    If they broke into bloom, if they bore fruit,


    And if we ate the incipient colorings

    Of their fresh culls might be a cure of the ground.

    The fiction of the leaves is the icon


    Of the poem, the figuration of blessedness,

    And the icon is the man. The pearled chaplet of spring,

    The magnum wreath of summer, time's autumn snood,


    Its copy of the sun, these cover the rock.

    These leaves are the poem, the icon and the man.

    These are a cure of the ground and of ourselves,


    In the predicate that there is nothing else.

    They bud and bloom and bear their fruit without change.

    They are more than leaves that cover the barren rock.


    They bud the whitest eye, the pallidest sprout,

    New senses in the engenderings of sense,

    The desire to be at the end of distances,


    The body quickened and the mind in root.

    They bloom as a man loves, as he lives in love.

    They bear their fruit so that the year is known,


    As if its understanding was brown skin,

    The honey in its pulp, the final found,

    The plenty of the year and of the world.


    In this plenty, the poem makes meanings of the rock,

    Of such mixed motion and such imagery

    That its barrenness becomes a thousand things


    And so exists no more. This is the cure

    Of leaves and of the ground and of ourselves.

    His words are both the icon and the man.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
















































Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2019 Thanksgiving @ CGCC, PA(賓州·2019年神州基督教會感恩節)

2014: Book Review─Urban Outlaws(書評─淺議《城市水滸傳》)

2010-11-28_Hauling Leaves-40001.JPG

2016-11-25_Raking Leaves-1M0001.JPG

2017-12-09_Raking before Snow-1M0001.JPG

2023-11-25_Back to NYC-10001.JPG

2023-11-30_Leaf Collection-10001.JPG



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