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Chinatown & Little Italy, NYC(纽约市·华埠与小意大利城)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2023年12月10日08:26:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2023-12-08 National Brownie Day

【The Rock - Forms of the Rock in a Night-Hymn (1954)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The rock is the gray particular of man's life,

        The stone from which he rises, up -- and -- ho,

        The step to the bleaker depths of his descents...


        The rock is the stern particular of the air,

        The mirror of the planets, one by one,

        But through man's eye, their silent rhapsodist,


        Turquoise the rock, at odious evening bright

        With redness that sticks fast to evil dreams;

        The difficult rightness of half-risen day.


        The rock is the habitation of the whole,

        Its strength and measure, that which is near, point A

        In a perspective that begins again


        At B: the origin of the mango's rind.

        It is the rock where tranquil must adduce

        Its tranquil self, the main of things, the mind,


        The starting point of the human and the end.

        That in which space itself is contained, the gate 

        To the enclosure, day, the things illumined


        By day, night and that which night illumines,

        Night and its midnight-minting fragrances,

        Night's hymn of the rock, as in a vivid sleep.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——



































Today in History(历史上的今天):

2016: Argumentative─For the Flavor(议论文─利益)

2013: Top of the World, Dubai, UAE(阿联酋迪拜世界之巅)

2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY)

Chinatown-Little Italy0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Columbus Park transformed Mulberry Bend from a 'notorious slum' to improve tenement dwellers' quality of life in the neighborhood-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Columbus Park_Statue of Chinese Statesman Dr. Sun Yat-sen0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Confucius Plaza_Statue of Confucius_ the Chinese Philosopher0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Street_Elizabeth St0001.JPG

1995-04-08_Eastbank @ Chinatown-20001.JPG


2023-12-08_Bldg_On Leong Merchants Association_ Tong Society Operating out of its Territory at the Intersection of Canal St & Mott St Established in 1893-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Bldg_HSBC (Former Citizens Savings Bank)0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Manhattan Bridge_Arch and Colonnade0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Jiang Nan  in a Culinary Symphony of Flavors_ Blending Tradition & Innovation-2M0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Jiang Nan  in a Culinary Symphony of Flavors_ Blending Tradition & Innovation-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Bldg_Capitale w Corinthian Pilasters_ Columns & a Pediment (1893)-10001.JPG




2023-12-08_Little Italy @ Mulberry St_ Formerly the City's Poorest Italian Neighborhood-10001.JPG

1995-04-08_Little Italy-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Little Italy @ Mulberry St_ Formerly the City's Poorest Italian Neighborhood-20001.JPG

2023-12-08_Little Italy_Ferrara Bakery & Cafe_Façade0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Little Italy_Ferrara Bakery & Cafe_Interior-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Little Italy_Ferrara Bakery & Cafe_Pastry0001.JPG



USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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