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Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree, NYC(纽约城·洛克菲勒中心圣诞树)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2023年12月16日06:13:15 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2023-12-08 Bodhi Day

【Madame La Fleurie (1951)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

Weight him down, O side-stars, with the great weightings of the end.

Seal him there. He looked in a glass of the earth and thought he lived in it.

Now, he brings all that he saw into the earth, to the waiting parent.

His crisp knowledge is devoured by her, beneath a dew.

Weight him, weight, weight him with the sleepiness of the moon.

It was only a glass because he looked in it. It was nothing he could be told.

It was a language he spoke, because he must, yet did not know.

It was a page he had found in the handbook of heartbreak.

The black fugatos are strumming the blackness of black...

The thick strings stutter the finial gutturals.

He does not lie there remembering the blue-jay, say the jay.

His grief is that his mother should feed on him, himself and what he saw,

In that distant chamber, a bearded queen, wicked in her dead light.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——



















【注】此诗本意:脑中的想法并不能保证它的存在,也就是没有任何给定的存在。(Presence of an idea in the mind is no warrant of its existence. Nothing given exists.)






产地:纽约州炉火贞女镇(Vestal, NY)



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2023: Dior's Carousel of Dreams, NYC(纽约城·金色梦想转盘)

2023: Chinatown & Little Italy, NYC(纽约市·华埠与小意大利城)

2016: Argumentative─For the Flavor(议论文─利益)

2013: Top of the World, Dubai, UAE(阿联酋迪拜世界之巅)

2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY)

Rockefeller Ctr0001.JPG

1993-09-11_Rockefeller Plaza0001.JPG

1996-05-12_GE Bldg in Art Deco (1929-31) @ 570 Lexington Ave_M0001.JPG

2005-11-05_Atlas Statue @ Rockefeller Ctr0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Rockefeller Ctr_Ancient Greek Titan Atlas Holding the Heavens on His Shoulders0001.JPG

2008-12-15_Christmas Tree @ Rockefeller Ctr-10001.JPG

2014-12-17_Channel Gardens-20001.JPG

2023-12-08_Rockefeller Ctr_Christmas Tree0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Saks Fifth Avenue_Dior’s Carousel of Dreams in Celestial-Themed Clock w 300_000 LED Lights over  the Channel Gardens-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Rockefeller Ctr_Christmas Tree over the Channel Garden-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Rockefeller Ctr_Rink-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_Art_Youth Leading Industry @ 636 5th Ave-1M0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Art_Youth Leading Industry @ 636 5th Ave-20001.JPG

2023-12-08_Art_Gallic Freedom @ 610 5th Ave0001.JPG


USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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