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St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC(紐約城·聖帕特里克大教堂)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2023年12月19日05:37:41 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2023-12-08 Bodhi Day

【Another Weeping Woman (1921)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

            Pour the unhappiness out

            From your too bitter heart,

            Which grieving will not sweeten.


            Poison grows in this dark.

            It is in the water of tears

            Its black blooms rise.


            The magnificent cause of being,

            The imagination, the one reality

            In this imagined world


            Leaves you

            With him for whom no phantasy moves,

            And you are pierced by a death.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——




















Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2023: Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree, NYC(紐約城·洛克菲勒中心聖誕樹)

2023: Dior's Carousel of Dreams, NYC(紐約城·金色夢想轉盤)

2023: Chinatown & Little Italy, NYC(紐約市·華埠與小意大利城)

2016: Argumentative─For the Flavor(議論文─利益)

2013: Top of the World, Dubai, UAE(阿聯酋迪拜世界之巔)

2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY)

St. Patrick's Cathedral0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral Viewed from the South on 5th Avenue0001.JPG

1993-09-11_St. Patrick's Cathedral-20001.JPG

1994-03-27_Pilgrimage @ St Patrick Cathedral-20001.JPG

1994-03-27_Rose Window @ St Patrick Cathedral0001.JPG

1994-05-14_Bas Relief above Bronze Doors of St Patrick Cathedral_M0001.JPG

1997-03-17_St Patricks Cathedral Stained Glass0001.JPG

2012-09-06_St. Patrick's Cathedral-1M0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_Sanctuary & Baldacchino-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_Grand Rose Window & Organ0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_Altar Frontal in Lady Chapel w the Annunciation0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_Christmas Tree-10001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_Divine Mercy Chaplet_His mercy endures forever_Responsorial Psalm0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_La Pietà di Michelangelo0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_St Louise & St Michael_ the Archangel0001.JPG

2023-12-08_St. Patrick's Cathedral_Rectory-10001.JPG


USA·New York(美國·紐約州)


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