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Mahayana Temple in the Great Vehicle, NYC(纽约城·大乘寺)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2023年12月31日06:00:42 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2023-12-08 Bodhi Day

【The Surprises of the Superhuman (1918)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The palais de justice of chambermaids

        Tops the horizon with its colonnades.


        If it were lost in Űbermenschlichkeit,

        Perhaps our wretched state would soon come right.


        For somehow the brave dicta of its kings

        Make more awry our faulty human things.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——












【注】廿五年前我曾慕名参观过位于纽约上州野外的庄严寺(Chuang Yen Monastery),其大佛殿供奉着西半球最大的白色宇宙佛——毗卢遮那佛“大日如来”(Vairocana),大日如来不仅是五方佛中至高无上的佛祖,而且还是帮助他人脱离因缘的觉悟之源。临行前,我按流程尝试了施给僧尼吃的斋饭——素食午餐,僧尼藉以实践“上求佛道下化众生”。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2023: Times Sq, the Crossroads of the World(时代广场·世界十字路口)

2023: Wandering in Midtown Manhattan, NYC(纽约市·浪迹中城)

2023: St. Bartholomew's Church, NYC(纽约城·农夫之子使徒圣公会)

2023: St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC(纽约城·圣帕特里克大教堂)

2023: Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree, NYC(纽约城·洛克菲勒中心圣诞树)

2023: Dior's Carousel of Dreams, NYC(纽约城·金色梦想转盘)

2023: Chinatown & Little Italy, NYC(纽约市·华埠与小意大利城)

2016: Argumentative─For the Flavor(议论文─利益)

2013: Top of the World, Dubai, UAE(阿联酋迪拜世界之巅)

2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY)

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2023-12-08_Mahayana Buddhist Temple_Wooden Fish Used in Rituals Involving the Recitation of Sutras_ Mantras_ or Other Buddhist Texts0001.JPG

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2023-12-08_Mahayana Buddhist Temple_Buddhist Funeral Altar0001.JPG

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2023-12-08_Mahayana Buddhist Temple_Goddness Altar0001.JPG


USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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