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My son has been coerced by CXijinping's terrorist
送交者: 尊重正義 2024年01月15日14:14:52 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

    My name is Ruo Qian Kang. I suddenly found something on my bookshelf today that I didn't have before. It was a pair of pliers. It turned out to be the pliers that is from my son's home, yet my son Harry T Gao has not been in my house since March last year. He would drive up to my apartment and go home. Also, this plier is something I have never seen in my house before.

   That is to say, I just found a pair of pliers that I didn't have seen at my place before that is from my son's home, and his subconscious and conscious brain nervous system was being coerced by Chinese Gov.Xijinping's terrorist crime group.

    This is actually another criminal evidence of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping’s brain-controlled international criminal AI electromagnetic wave brain nerve terrorist attack on the human brain nervous system. Here's what happened.

   Today I suddenly found a pair of pliers on my bookshelf that I did not see before. I knew it was a real-life horrific violation against me by the CCP’s brain-controlled Xi Jinping criminal gang. Apparently, when I was out shopping, the Chinese Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan brain-controlled international criminal gang broke into my house and put this pliers here for the purpose of threatening me.

   Because I have written a large number of exposing articles on the Wanwei Reader website, exposing that the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping has used criminal AI to commit crimes in the past 35 years. Their purpose is to separate the mother and son and subconsciously control my son and I to be victims of their crime, which is malicious electromagnetic wave terrorist attack crime.That is to say, the purpose of the CCP criminals is to eliminate me as a hostage, and at the same time frame my son as the evil target of the criminals.

   Because today, when I discovered this pliers, which did not exist before, I was able to know my son’s subconscious information through Xi Jinping’s electromagnetic wave brain-controlled intracranial sound transmission technology. We are communicating subconsciously through sound transmission. I suddenly discovered this pliers, and this energy was generated in my brain. This electromagnetic wave transmitted sound back to my son's subconscious. My son's subconscious energy told me that his subconscious was threatened by the CCP's electromagnetic wave brain nerve control, telling him , there is a plier in my house, if my mother continues this behavior, they will weave the energy of my son and me into a son killing his mother, this is his subconscious mind. I sent a recording through my WeChat to tell him that this was a crime committed by the brain-controlled international extreme criminal gang of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping, and I hoped that my son would call the police with me.

   I sent him the picture of the plier, Later, he sent me a text message and told me that this plier is his and he does not konw the extc reason why it is at my home, he said maybe he left it my home somehow when he do the repairing work for me.yet I know that it is not true, because this plier I have never seen it before at my home. 

    I knew that this was a horrific crime committed by the CCP’s brain control agency when I was out. My son said that my son didn’t know that this was the CCP’s brain-controlled subconscious brain control that had changed his perceptual and conscious brain nervous system. He didn’t know that his subconscious was threatened, and he had pliers on his home. My explanation here was that he must have forgotten this when he came to my house before, and he didn't know that the pliers were not in my house before.

   Therefore, my son and I need urgent help and protection from the U.S. Government。 I know through AI computer machine transmission technology that  my son  has been brain-controlled by the China Xijinping's terroreist groups for about 35 year. They subconsciously control forced my son to have such wrong thoughts. I need the US Government to provide me with a lawyer for legal rescue.

    I need the U.S. Government to immediately investigate and crack down on this case of international extreme terrorism attacking the human brian nerve system. We need legal protection. Please refer to my report to reveal this crimes at this link. https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/ Thanks.

Best Regards,

Ruo Qian Kang


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