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My publication in English was blocked
送交者: 尊重正義 2024年01月26日16:43:05 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

The publication of my report in English was violated by the brain control system of Xi Jinping’s brain control agency in China. They are afraid that the extreme crimes of brain control by the Chinese Communist Party in English will be exposed. 

Ruo Qian Kang 01/26//2024

   The publication of my report in English was violated by the brain control system of Xi Jinping’s brain control agency in China. They are afraid that the extreme crimes of brain control by the Chinese Communist Party in English will be exposed. So the public should pay attention to translate my Chinese reports into English using google software, https://translate.google.com/

    We humans have unknowingly entered a new era, a new era of extreme terrorist crimes controlled by the electromagnetic waves of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping that attack the human brain. This new era has brought about a new situation, and we are facing new tasks, new thinking, and new requirements, because we humans must defeat the Chinese terrorist Xi Jinping government that has been secretly depriving human beings of survival for decades and attacking the brain system with dark terror, because For us humans to survive, we must believe that this outcome is destined to succeed. Anyone who has any reason to be afraid or has no confidence in defeating China's horrific Xi Jinping government is a deceptive idea that has been instilled. It is not conducive to us humans defeating the evil Chinese government. It is wrong and has become the basis of Xi Jinping's horrific and extreme crimes. Conscious or subconscious supporter. Therefore, we must see the essence clearly and choose the right stance.




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