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15.1.3 十八神佛不共法 Eighteen God Buddha Uncommon Laws
送交者: 盧岩 2024年02月01日10:27:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


These 18 laws are the self-restraint precepts of Gods, Goddesses, and Buddhas. They are only applicable to Mahasattvas (that is, great Bodhisattvas) from the eighth land to the tenth land, do not common with other sentient beings, so they are called Non-Common Laws, which is a section of The Covenant Ark (see fig. 15.1.3-1-2). Buddhism uses the Sal Fasullo tree (a kind of palm tree, Figure 2) and a ring (Figure 7) to symbolize the precepts. The ring symbolizes the “Bodhisattva’s Oath” (see Section 16.1), which is the vow taken when enrolling in Mahayana Buddhism. This oath, also known as Ark of Will, can assimilate all precepts. The Covenant Ark includes three branches (as shown in Fig. 2). One is Man Precepts, namely 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments, also known as Golden Armor (as shown in Figure 3, Tlaloc, Adam wearing golden armor), one branch is Woman Precepts, namely 500 Majesties 108,000 Charms, also known as Woman’s Skins ((as shown in Figure 4, Egyptian Eve is wearing golden armor), and the middle branch is the Eighteen God Buddha Uncommon Laws. Reliefs like the one shown in Figure 1 have been found in many parts of the world, but this book says that about 1325 AD, Mexico (he is an Adam, a Tlaloc) retrieved the Covenant Ark again from hell, as shown in Figures 5 and 6 (see Chapter 18, "The Sun Stone" ).

15.1.3-1 十八神佛不共法 Eighteen God Buddha Uncommon Laws.jpg


(01) Body without Fault, since the no beginning of catastrophes, Buddha has held the immaculate precepts, walking, standing, sitting, and lying, all are fully with 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments, because of this fulfilled fortune and virtue, all annoyances do not bother him, all contaminated inferior seeds have been ousted, therefore body without fault.


(02) Mouth without Fault, Buddha has completed the cultivation of Three A-Monk-Index Catastrophes, and is well versed in the theories of None-As Laws (see section 11.6.4 Off-is Fruit) and Have-As liberation laws, so he speaks to the public, with his immaculate juristic eye to see mind mechanical influencing factors, with his gnostic eye to explicitly analyses entangled symptoms, with clear purpose and succinct concise language,  speak as he pleases without making mistakes, so that those who hear the words all will realize something according to their own root’s strengths.


(03) Spells without Loss, Buddha's spell-power is strong, when he speaks in the midst of congregation if there are interjections or rebuttals. his heart does not disperse, answers without fear. Turning back, Buddha continues to speak from what he left, without losing his spell, without stopping to ask rhetorically, "What were we discussing a moment ago? What are I just said? " There is no such thing.


4) Non-Discrimination, Buddha having testified and gained the Equal-Nature Intelligence, preaching in the midst of congregation, equally transcendingly ferry all sentient beings, heart without pick, wouldn’t favour this acerbate that.

15.1.3-2 十八神佛不共法 Eighteen God Buddha Uncommon Laws.jpg


Illustration 15.1.3-2-36 is a statue of Shakyamuni. The swastika on his chest means auspiciousness, and a billion, symbolizing the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, because famously Thor created the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, Adam (i.e. Tanngnjóstr, gold boy), and Eve (i.e. Tanngrisnir, jade girl), and declared that all God's teachings and properties are Common Laws and Commonwealths, belong to all mankind and all sentient beings equally. What about the 18 Uncommon Laws? These 18 Uncommon Laws of God and Buddha are also Common Laws, and anyone is welcome to join God, Adam, and Eve in saving the world; the labeled Uncommon Laws are meant to remind the reader that anyone who wants to share in this Law should first thoroughly understand it. The Juristic Wheel (see fig 35) in the hand of Shakyamuni is a symbol of Buddhism and the steering wheels of Arks (see fig. 37, 38).


5) No Non-Still Heart, when Buddha is walking, standing, sitting, and lying, or when he is preaching in the congregation, all are fully equipped with the 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments, and his heart is always in very deep Victorious Stillness (cf. section 16.3 Glory Land).


6) No unknown is abandoned; no having-known is not abandoned. This is a trait of Adam (as in Figure 15.1.3-3, cf. Section 10.9). He always remembers things that he does not understand and forget them after learning them, so, Adam is a dumb, a moron. According to this trait of Adam, godfather (i.e. God) had always been causing confusion in his life since his childhood. Adam remembered all the strange affairs God had done to him, so many muddles accumulated that he fell into hell (i.e. fell into Schizophrenia). In hell, Adam faced death, grieved, and kept thinking about his own life. Human memory is stored together with emotions. By chance, Adam recalled that his godfather told him before he was three years old: "You are my godson. I will betroth my daughter Eve to you and let you inherit my throne." Adam got excited and went to marry Eve and to inherit her father's throne. Readers may wonder why God allowed a fool to inherit his throne!? Eve is not stupid! And she knew what her father had done to him. After listening to Adam's stories, she believed him, enlightened, became a real human, an invincible, and world No.1.  This is the theme line of God’s creation of man, which is the meaning of the line on the right side of Illustration 16.1.3-2-15. For the specific story of God’s creation of man, see Chapter 18 “The Sun Stone”.  What happened to Adam in the end? Due to his childhood trauma and the torture of hell, he always kept thinking, is a permanent Buddha. Buddha is a Pali word, means Perception.

15.1.2-3 四智 Four Intelligences.jpg


7) Desires without Decrement, Buddha is fully with the four infinite hearts, has inexhaustible strength, thus, he always desires to transcendentally ferry sentient beings, unsatiable. The four infinite hearts are mercifulness, sorrowfulness, delight, and renunciation. Mercifulness, constantly bosoming a merciful heart, is empathetic to the annoyance and bitter of sentient beings like the body is accepting. Sorrowfulness, constantly bosoming a sorrowful heart, is deeply saddened by that sentient beings are harmed by the demons of birth, old age, sickness, and death. Delight, always bosoming a heart of following delight, to sentient beings’ joys and celebrations, Buddha joins the crowds to laugh along. Renunciation, always with a heart of renunciation, the nature of renunciation is the heart of equality, Buddha always bosoms the heart of treating people equally.


8) Diligently Advancement without Decrement, Buddha self-enlightens and enlightens others, teaching and studying are mutually beneficial, thus, he or she constantly diligently advances to the exhaustion of future.


9) Gnosis without Decrement, gnosis is heart of interpreting know, is the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds (as shown in fig. to 34). Buddha has mastered the Mind Mechanism of God to roundly perfection and possesses all gnosis. And he or she has been refining it during broadly transcendental ferry of sentient beings, has become more and more essentially keen, thus, Buddha expediently preaches gnosis, neither decrement nor exhaustion.


10) Spell without Decrement, Buddha has adopted and reshaped the godly mind mechanics, by the Four Non-Hindrance Interpretations (cf. section 16.9) to generally hold all laws, thus, he or she lucidly bosoms all Buddhist principles and muddles to solve, arouse spell at will, by spell holds heart, bodily orally and intentionally karmas answer to spell to come, neither loss nor decrement.


11) Liberation without Decrement, Buddha has testified and gained have-as liberation, none-as liberation, and Non-Dwell Nirvana, and has actually applied those repeatedly during broadly transcendingly ferry sentient crowds, thus, his or her emancipation has reached no bondage no liberation.


12) Emancipative Know and View without Decrement, Buddha has systematically established juristic frames, such as Tree of Life, Four Victorious Cruxes, Five Eyes Through (cf. chapter 17 and the Five Suns in chapter 18), etc.  and has numbered tabulated all the life pursuits, annoyances, and remedies. Thus, he or she with the outlines in hand can fold and unfold the paths of terminating bitter gaining laughs at will, no omissions, can maintain lucid interpretations of liberation.




13) All bodily karmas follow intelligence and gnosis to behave. Buddha’s bodily karmas are by intelligence as leader, along spells to present, manifesting all kinds of extraordinary forms to exemplify for crowds.

14) All orally karmas follow intelligence and gnosis to behave. Buddha’s oral karmas by intelligence as leader, subtly wonderful language along intelligence and gnosis to present, mouth spits out lotus flowers, prosperously benefit sentient beings.

15) All intentionally karmas follow intelligence and gnosis to behave. Buddha’s intentional karmas are by intelligence as leader, turn along intelligence, enter sentients’ hearts to preach, remove and terminate foolish muddles, non-light (i.e. ignorance) darkness.




16) Intelligence and gnosis know the past without hindrance. By intelligence and gnosis, Buddha lucidly knows all things in the past worlds such as sentients, such as non-sentients, there all are no hindrances.

17) Intelligence and gnosis know the present without hindrance. By intelligence and gnosis, Buddha lucidly knows all things in the present worlds, such as sentients, such as non-sentients, there all are no hindrances.

18) Intelligence and gnosis Know the future without hindrance. By intelligence and gnosis, Buddha lucidly knows all things in the future worlds, such as sentients, such as non-sentients, there all are no hindrances.

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