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An Urgent letter to President Joe Biden of U.S.A.
送交者: 尊重正义 2024年02月03日15:52:59 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Dear President Joe. Biden of the United States Of America,

   Here is the urgent report by me, to President Joe.Biden. the title is "To Survive in the New Era, We Humans Need to Make Right Judgments, Find the Code of life That Guarantees a Virtuous Cycle of Success, and Defeat Evil", 

  Here is my reports link, https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/, which is about the Chinese top gov. Xi Jinping‘s terrorist attack on American's brain nerve systesm using AI electromagnetic waves and Compter machines 24 hours a day for about 30years in the U.S.A. The brain nerves energy produced by AI mind-control weapon is the main source of almost all the crimes of the material world in the U.S.A. 

 I now have a large amount of evidence of their crimes, which I need to hand over. I need U.S.Gov. an email address to hand over evidence.I request the U.S. President Biden’s Administration to immediately provide 24-hour protection to my hostage family and to Mr. Shi Jian's hostage family. Mr. Shi Jian, living in China now, who used to be famous Executive Editor and journalist in CCTV. We are now all in the position of being life-threatening condition.

  They have controlled relevant agencies of the U.S. government, the surveillance system of American society, and social systems such as the media and public opinion. More importantly, they have controlled the high-level brain function systems of all human beings, and many surveillance systems in the United States. It is related to the CCP’s international extreme terrorist criminal activities, and various U.S. government agencies and U.S. officials are also becoming targets of their brain nervous system surveillance. The entire human brain nervous system has unknowingly served as the brain nerve resource material for the brain experiments of the Chinese Xi Jinping’s international terrorist groups. Thanks.

Best regards,

Ruoqian Kang 02/03/2024 My phone is 413-210-7597

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