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15.4.5-4 清算日 Day of Reckoning
送交者: 盧岩 2024年03月06日20:58:03 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

清算什麼?答:清算雷音、睚眥、和磨牙之間的恩怨情仇。雷音用 “三個不可饒恕的詛咒” 詛咒了睚眥,以至於睚眥墮入了地獄,險些喪命。生命無價,所以雷音的全部財產歸睚眥所有。前文說了,雷音把王位送給了睚眥。睚眥放棄了王位繼承權,什麼也沒得着,是另外一回事。

To reckon what? Answer: To settle the favors, complains, loves, and hates between Thor, Tanngnjóstr, and Tanngrisnir. Thor cursed Tanngnjóstr with "three unforgivable curses", so that Tanngnjóstr fell into hell and almost died. Life is priceless, so all of Thor's property belongs to Tanngnjóstr. As mentioned above, Thor gave his throne to Tanngnjóstr. It is another matter that Tanngnjóstr gave up his right to inherit the throne and gained nothing.


In fact, Allah also compensated his throne to his godson Mountain Sumeru, but Kubaba disagreed, and Sumeru voluntarily gave up his right to inherit the throne. The father of Mexico, Huitzilopochtli, also compensated his throne to his godson Mountain Mexico (see illustration 37), but Mexico also voluntarily gave up the throne. Illustrations to 22 were painted by Mexico (about 1325 CE). The Great God Sky in Figure 8 is his wife Chalchiuhtlicue. He transformed himself into the dog on the Sky Door Mountain archway in Figure 15.

15.4.5-4 清算日 Day of Reckoning.jpg



Tanngnjóstr needs to meet Thor's needs to marry his daughter Tanngrisnir, because Thor owes her a husband. Freya showed Thor's design for Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir's wedding in front of everyone. The wedding, which lasts seven days, is hosted by Freya. Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir should consummate their marriage in front of Thor’s wordless tombstone publicly (see fig. 35 and 36). To facilitate Freya's Law Making (doing magic), all the people in Tanngrisnir Palace move to other place.

3 舊世界的滅亡和新世界的誕生  The demise of the old world and the birth of the new world)


The meaning of the World is between two times. In the poem "Voluspa", the world after Thor's death is described: The sky will turn black before fire engulfs the world (1), the stars will disappear, flames will dance before the sky (2), steam will rise, the world will be covered in water (3) and then it will be raised again, green, and fertile.,睚眥,又名大黑天,在芙蕾雅的幫助下,成為了世界末日判官,取得了這個國家宗教和文化的主導權。睚眥出現了,諸神退位。根據以上的描述,睚眥首先封了五位神。如圖35上,奧丁(Odin)身後低着頭的鵝,表示奧丁步履蹣跚,彎腰駝背,老了,退休了,於是就成為了古神。奧丁把上帝的權杖交給了雷音。雷音的一生,成熟有情,利樂眾生,不求回報,成為了無窮善,也就是成為了新的太陽神,佛教中稱為大日如來。

Annotation, Tanngnjóstr, also known as Great Black Sky, with the help of Freya, he became the Doomsday Judgement, and gained dominance in the country's religion and culture. Tanngnjóstr appears, so all Gods and Goddesses abdicated. According to the above description, Tanngnjóstr (aka Adam) first inaugurated the five gods. As shown in Figure 35, the goose with its head lowered behind Odin means that Odin was staggering, hunched over, old and retired, so he became an ancient God. Odin handed the scepter of God to Thor. In Thor's life, he was pleasing, benefiting, and maturing all sentient beings, without asking for anything in return, became infinite benevolence, that is, he became the new (contemporary, modern) Sun God, Great Sun Tathagata in Buddhism.

睚眥把雷音造的這兩隻山羊名成了日耳曼人,於是睚眥和磨牙成為了日耳曼人的始祖。雷音、睚眥、和磨牙就形成了一個上帝的三合和(參見10.9 節《三位一體》),一位大神。睚眥認命了他自己的啟蒙老師弗雷為穀神,於是弗雷成為了燃燈佛;命名芙蕾雅為重生之母,於是芙蕾雅成為了天道輪迴的守護者,南海觀世音菩薩。

Tanngnjóstr named the two goats created by Thor the Germans, so Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir became the primogenitor(-s) of Germans. Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir are a two-body God, can be counted as one and two. Thor, Tanngnjóstr, and Tanngrisnir form a godly trinity (see section 10.9 Godly Trinity), a great god. Tanngnjóstr named the two goats created by Thor the Germans, so Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir became the primogenitor(-s) of Germans. Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir are a two-body God, can be counted as one and two. Tanngnjóstr named his own “Revelation Teacher” Frayr as Grain God, also known as “Lighting Lamp Buddha”. Tanngnjóstr named Freya as the mother of rebirth; so, Freya became the “Guardian of God’s Cycle”, is the “South-Sea View-Mundane-Sound Bodhisattva” in Chinese Buddhism.


The result of other great judgments is the "Bitter Crux" in Chapter 13, which evaluates all sentient beings in the past, present, and future. This ruling is credited to Thor, testified by Tanngnjóstr, and edited by Tanngrisnir. The illustrations were drawn by Mexico (circa 1325 CE).,圖3638的道理相同,那火是由睚眥和磨牙各自的幼年記憶 “馬格尼”(即亞伯,儒童)噴出來的。馬格尼在古墨西哥文化中稱作靈龍,圖39是墨西哥和妻子翠玉女,下面的兩個小孩就是他們倆各自幼年的記憶,兩位靈龍。

Annotation, the principle of Figures 36 and 38 is the same. The fire was sprayed out by the childhood memory "Magni" (i.e. Abel, Juvenile) of Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir. Magni is called Quetzalcoatl in ancient Mexican culture. Figure 39 shows Mexico and his wife Chalchiuhtlicue. The two children below are the memories of their respective childhoods, the two Quetzalcoatls.,磨牙改國號為日耳曼,開始了日耳曼元年,進行了社會改革。日耳曼帝國在磨牙活着的時候,領土就覆蓋了全部的歐洲。本書作者我小時候,看過關於這篇古代文獻的研究。

Annotation, Tanngrisnir changed the name of the country to Germany, started the first year of Germany, and carried out social reforms. When Tanngrisnir was alive, the territory of the German Empire covered all of Europe. The author of this book, When I was a child, I read research on this ancient document.

4 歡喜佛 Consummation Buddha

睚眥和磨牙在父親的無字墓碑前圓房,就構成了一位歡喜佛。這是在為睚眥治病(參見10.6節《 治療心理疾病的原則》)。這也是雷音為羊教開的方便法門,讓每一位日耳曼人一見不忘,永遠記着回到睚眥山目苑的路。

Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir consummated their marriage in front of their father's wordless tombstone, forming a Consummation Buddha. This is treating the illness of Tanngnjóstr (see Section 10.6 "Principles of Curing Mental Illness "). This is also a convenient juristic door that Thor opened for all Germanic people, so that every Germanic people will never forget the path back to Garden of Eye-den in Mountain Tanngnjóstr.

5 無字天書 Wordless Sky Book


Illustration 37 is Mexico (1325 CE), also known as Tlaloc. He is thinking about the ancient Tlaloc; the ancient Tlaloc is thinking about his Godfather's wordless tombstone and how to write an epitaph. In the same way, Tanngnjóstr wrote an epitaph for Thor, or his memoirs, called "The Book of Death"; Tanngrisnir also wrote an epitaph for Thor, called "The Book of Life." The Sheep Vehicle teachings are the sum of these three books: "The Wordless Sky Book" (i.e. Thor's wordless tombstone; fig. 35; Runic Inscription 181), "The Book of Death" and "The Book of Life".

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