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> 15 years except when
送交者: fito 2008月09月11日18:43:16 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你不吃中国食也没几天工夫么,嘿嘿。alexwt 于 2008-09-11 18:39:09
back to China
  why back china? - psi 09/11/08 (167)
  嘿嘿,既然这么坚决,还回那个地方干啥? /无内容 - 老王同学 09/11/08 (164)
    Not for food,  /无内容 - fito 09/11/08 (125)
    I nevery buy any food made in - fito 09/11/08 (206)
      watch out for american meat - laobiao 09/11/08 (217)
        不光是这个。。。低收入家庭里的肥胖症和遗传。。。 - alexwt 09/11/08 (209)
          you are a 中医 supportor, right?  /无内容 - fito 09/11/08 (190)
            嘿嘿。。。我反对一切骗子。。。 - alexwt 09/11/08 (230)
              Are you going to say 中医is 骗子?  /无内容 - fito 09/11/08 (216)
                cannot you read? - alexwt 09/11/08 (183)
        Your are probably right - fito 09/11/08 (224)
          it's published in Time - laobiao 09/12/08 (205)
      i thought you wanted to discu - alexwt 09/11/08 (163)
        Prof Alexwt is really merciful - EmitEht 09/11/08 (162)
          i'm interested in - alexwt 09/11/08 (155)
    Scare to 失禁?  /无内容 - fito 09/11/08 (152)
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