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You are totally wrong. Your brain was washed by CP propaganda. CP is not any one's mom, including you and me.
送交者: Cindy2 2008月07月07日09:30:40 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你妈是穷了点, 让你饿着了, 冻着了,庄稼汉 于 2008-07-05 09:54:46
They never really care about common peoples like you and me. They only love the power. Of course, we should 有奶便是娘, 有吃便是爹. We are human being and are animals in nature. The fact we worked so hard so that we can immigrate to USA demonstrated that we do not care about our tradition and culture, we care about the life style in the USA.
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