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our immune system can handle
送交者: pifu01 2020月03月25日13:01:49 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: I need to know exacly the大坏人!嘿嘿 于 2020-03-25 12:55:35

this virus as the death rate is not that high after all.  All survived people used their immune system to battle the virus and they succeeded.  

The vaccine is against the virus directly.  Basically the vaccine is a virus with reduced/abolished toxicity that gets injected into human body so that the body generates antibody to kill the real virus.  How to make "recombinant virus" holds the key.  Some vaccine will be more effective than others because the recombinant less toxic virus generated are different.

  啧啧,这就是脓教授写的菜英文!哈哈! /无内容 - vanasian 03/25/20 (67)
    教授英语不会有这么多错误。可能是笔误。  /无内容 - newwild 03/25/20 (50)
      Our positions need - 大坏人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (50)
  Thanks. My understanding is - 大坏人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (72)
    8 years brain washing does not - 绿野仙人 03/25/20 (73)
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