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Do you have any sense of decency and shame?
送交者: 老秃笔 2008月06月18日04:59:02 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 墩子,尽管我痛恨他们骂如此难听的话,但是刘福禄和孤亡魂是性情中人,我喜欢他们桦树 于 2008-06-17 23:24:45
You did not know what is 性情中人.
You did not have basic sense of what is right and wrong.
Shame on you,for being so silly.
You made me disappointed about you.

Look the curses they had last night, this is what you said of "性情中人"?
how come you are so low to appreciate this kind of " 性情中人"?
I can not understand and felt shamed for having you here.
  You finally say something. /无内容 - 10100 06/18/08 (175)
    she is same with them.  /无内容 - 10100 06/18/08 (135)
  last words - 老秃笔 06/18/08 (407)
    Is she really a friend of your sister?  /无内容 - 10100 06/18/08 (181)
    莫名其妙! - 一只七夕搭鹊桥的麻雀 06/18/08 (231)
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