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Bill Gertz

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Bill Gertz
BornMarch 28, 1952 (age 68)
Long IslandNew YorkU.S.

William D. "BillGertz (born March 28, 1952)[1] is an American editor, columnist and reporter for The Washington Free Beacon and The Washington Times. He is the author of six books and writes a weekly column on the Pentagon and national security issues called "Inside the Ring". During the administration of Bill Clinton, Gertz was known for his stories exposing government secrets.[2][3]



Gertz was born on Long IslandNew York. He is Jewish. He has attended Washington College and George Washington University. He has also written for National ReviewThe Weekly Standard and Air Force Magazine. He has lectured on defense, national security, and media issues at the Defense Department’s National Security Leadership Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, the FBI National Academy, the National Defense University, and the CIA.[4] He has been a media fellow at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University.[5] He lives in Maryland.[6]

In 2008, Gertz was subpoenaed to the Santa Ana, California federal court to testify in the case of Chi Mak, who was convicted of providing United States Navy technology to China. Gertz refused to answer questions about his sources, citing the Fifth Amendment.[7]

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