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送交者: 福禄 2020月10月16日11:22:44 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 白等撒谎说没见Burisma主管,铁证下开始承认可能见过福禄 于 2020-10-16 10:46:36

The people who almost always predict the president

By Stephen Starr
Vigo County, Indiana

Residents of Vigo County in Indiana have something of a gift. Except for two notable exceptions in 1908 and 1952, every candidate they have voted for since 1888 has gone on to win the presidency.

For Susan and Terry Hayhurst, owning a 1,700-acre farm has not stopped them from travelling the globe. They have been to Europe for work and holidays, and their 25-year old daughter Hayley is studying fashion in London.

And when it comes to politics, for them Donald Trump is the only ticket in town.

"[Mr Trump] comes across very abrupt and very crass and I think we all wish that there was a little more polish. But at the same time, maybe that's what we need right now."

But when it comes to choosing politicians, authenticity rather than law and order is the priority for owner Senka Delich. "Trump is not a politician; he is not polished. He's real," she says. "He will say stuff you will say, or I will say if I get mad."

 Pat Goodwin, a Democrat who is running for one of the county's top jobs - commissioner, in the presidential poll, Mr Goodwin, who worked as an engineer for the city for eight years, believes there's been a shift away from Mr Trump.

"It's going to be extremely close," says Mr Goodwin. "It's going to be razor thin."

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