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送交者: gugeren 2020月11月23日21:17:16 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这个公司是干啥的?明君小雪 于 2020-11-23 21:11:40

United States

2020 elections

Smartmatic was the subject of a hoax in the aftermath of the 2020 United States presidential election, notably promoted by the personal attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, who falsely asserted the company was founded by the former socialist Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez and that it owned and provided software to a company that is actually a competitor, Dominion Voting Systems. Giuliani baselessly asserted Dominion is a "radical-left" company with connections to antifa that sent American voting data to foreign Smartmatic locations.[135][136] Others falsely asserted that Smartmatic was owned by George Soros[137] and that the company owned Dominion.[138] Smartmatic voting machines were not used in any of the battleground states that determined Joe Biden's election victory.[139][140]

  魔鬼早已诞生,我们还在午睡。呵呵。 /无内容 - 明君小雪 11/23/20 (104)
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