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Serious Consequences
送交者: 綠野仙人 2021月01月15日13:06:31 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 蓋茨慢慢開始被各國起訴綠野仙人 於 2021-01-15 12:55:42

"Serious Consequences" - Norway Sounds Alarm After 23 Die Following Pfizer Vaccine

Tyler Durden's PhotoBY TYLER DURDENFRIDAY, JAN 15, 2021 - 15:25

Norway health authorities are reporting COVID-19 vaccine news of monumental importance at a moment the US is rushing to get an initial some 30 million doses into the arms of the elderly and those with chronic health conditions: sick patients over 80 are particularly at risk for devastating side effects.

Thus for this vulnerable demographic which is currently first in line in North America, the "cure" could be worse than the disease. Bloomberg notes that it's "the most cautious statement yet from a European health authority" regarding potential adverse vaccine health risks.

"For those with the most severe frailty, even relatively mild vaccine side effects can have serious consequences," the Norwegian Institute of Public Health said.

Via AP

The health authority said further in its most blunt statement cautioning against a policy of a blanket promotion of the vaccine for all:

"For those who have a very short remaining life span anyway, the benefit of the vaccine may be marginal or irrelevant."

This comes after a handful of global cases, including an elderly patient in France, where a recipient died within hours of receiving their first-round of the vaccine.

Thus far Norway says it has administered doses to up to 33,000 people, including the elderly, but are already finding it "too risky" for the terminally ill and people over 80 that are in frail condition. Given only 33,000 injected so far, the reported death count is already staggering and is causing officials to sound the alarm:

Norwegian officials said 23 people had died in the country a short time after receiving their first dose of the vaccine. Of those deaths, 13 have so far been autopsied, with the results suggesting that common side effects may have contributed to severe reactions in frail, elderly people, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

But despite the warnings being featured prominently at the end of this week in Bloomberg and multiple other mainstream publications, again we doubt this will do anything in terms of putting the brakes on the rushed vaccine rollout in the US where it's precisely the elderly, frail, and those prone to persistent health conditions that are being urged on by state and federal policies to be first in line.

How many of these deaths came after the Pfizer vaccine? It would be good to know after the news from Norway. https://t.co/TtazlDpG0s

— Neil Clark (@NeilClark66) January 15, 2021

Meanwhile, Bloomberg had this to say of the most common vaccine brands in Norway and the West:

Representatives for Pfizer and BioNTech didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approved late last year has been used most broadly, with a similar shot from Moderna Inc. approved earlier this month also now being administered.

Norway initiated its COVID-19 vaccinations last month on the heels of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine receiving approval by the European Medicines Agency. Norway's infections are approaching 60,000 out of total population of 5.3 million, including over 500 deaths.

Many skeptics in Europe and the US still have severe reservations about the vaccines, even as big pharma and governments continually insist they are completely safe.

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