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6-16 links
送交者: 纽约大被窝 2022月06月16日02:39:25 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 张政委的谣言说明国人的幼稚,完全忽略了堂堂国人的劣根性。捉奸人 于 2012-04-16 14:16:40




Economy and Markets

6/15  Atlanta Fed slashes Q2 GDP forecast to zero confirming recession – Zero Hedge
6/15  Wall street reacts to Fed’s biggest rate hike in 28 years – Zero Hedge
6/15  Stocks, bonds, & bullion rally after Powell’s perjury-prone presser – ZH
6/15  Retail sales flounder in May with negative revisions in April – Mish Talk
6/15  The economic meltdown has roots in lockdown – Brownstone Institute
6/15  Ed Yardeni: We’re in a bear market, likely going lower – The Sounding Line
6/15  US retail sales unexpectedly drop in May as inflation weighs in – Yahoo!
6/15  World’s 500 wealthiest just lost $206 billion Monday – Kitco
6/15  New York Fed Empire State Survey remains in negative territory – Kitco
6/14  Hedge funds beat Lehman liquidation, selling stocks fastest on record – ZH
6/14  The mood on Wall Street has never been more apocalyptic – Zero Hedge
6/14  “Economic hurricane” – hyperbole or real possibility? – RIA
6/14  Leon Cooperman warns “bear market” not over as recession looms – Zero Hedge
6/14  Here are the 5 things that can force the Fed to “pivot” – Zero Hedge
6/14  Current panic selling and uncertainty within the stock market – TT
6/14  Margin debt unwinds further amid massacre of high-flying stocks – Wolf Street
6/14  Stocks stage feeble attempt at dead cat bounce – Zero Hedge
6/14  Bank spots more bad news: Buyback blackout begins today – Zero Hedge
6/14  Yield curve re-inverts. It’s too late for playing catchup – The Sounding Line
6/14  Cashin says there are no signs of capitulation as Dow hits new low – KWN
6/14  Greyerz: Is the world entering an event that will change civilization? – KWN
6/14  What experts say to do during a bear market – CNBC
6/14  Market rout evokes memories of trading before Lehman blowup – Yahoo!
6/14  World’s richest have lost $1.4 trillion in 2022 after rapid gains – NDTV

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回国机票$360起 | 商务舱省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出炉:海航获五星
海外华人福利!在线看陈建斌《三叉戟》热血归回 豪情筑梦 高清免费看 无地区限制
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2011: 法国电视在放王兵的“夹边沟”。。。有
2011: 老克,将中国的农民工和美国最低工资者
2010: 5K来看看反参数设计的观点。冷静,8许
2010: 淫乱这个词,分淫和乱两部分.
2009: 生活在海外多年,我始终还是个中国人
2009: 月夜听风
2007: 出租司机的感慨
2007: 珠海行---情侣路的故事(3)