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送交者: 对对眼 2023月01月09日16:06:10 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 文章链接在此,大家自己看吧。当时马龙已经因为反对疫苗对对眼 于 2023-01-09 15:55:19


The debate over who deserves credit for pioneering the technology is heating up as awards start rolling out — and the speculation is getting more intense in advance of the Nobel prize announcements next month. But formal prizes restricted to only a few scientists will fail to recognize the many contributors to mRNA’s medical development. In reality, the path to mRNA vaccines drew on the work of hundreds of researchers over more than 30 years.

The story illuminates the way that many scientific discoveries become life-changing innovations: with decades of dead ends, rejections and battles over potential profits, but also generosity, curiosity and dogged persistence against scepticism and doubt. “It’s a long series of steps,” says Paul Krieg, a developmental biologist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who made his own contribution in the mid-1980s, “and you never know what’s going to be useful”.

The beginnings of mRNA

Malone’s experiments didn’t come out of the blue. As far back as 1978, scientists had used fatty membrane structures called liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse3 and human4 cells to induce protein expression. The liposomes packaged and protected the mRNA and then fused with cell membranes to deliver the genetic material into cells. These experiments themselves built on years of work with liposomes and with mRNA; both were discovered in the 1960s (see ‘The history of mRNA vaccines’).

      反正文章里提到了诺奖前夕争论变得很激烈  /无内容 - 对对眼 01/09/23 (64)
        怎么也不可能轮到他。  /无内容 - pifu01 01/09/23 (68)
          这个阿拉相信你的说法  /无内容 - 对对眼 01/09/23 (70)
            姑且相信你的说法。但诺委颁奖也是紧跟形势的 - 对对眼 01/09/23 (105)
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