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送交者: pifu01 2023月01月22日18:35:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 又问了一个问题,谷歌搜不出来的,哇,厉害了pifu01 于 2023-01-22 18:32:55

what is mahasatya

Mahasatya is a term that is found in some Buddhist texts and commentaries, and it is usually translated as "supreme being" or "great being." It is a title that is given to an individual who has attained a very high level of spiritual realization, and it is associated with the attainment of buddhahood.

In some Mahayana traditions of Buddhism, the term is used to refer to a bodhisattva who has reached the tenth and final ground of the bodhisattva path, which is the ground of buddhahood. At this level, a bodhisattva is said to have completed all the necessary practices and accumulations and is on the verge of attaining full enlightenment.

In other texts, the term Mahasatya is used to describe a Buddha who has achieved the ultimate state of enlightenment and possesses all the qualities and powers of a fully enlightened being.

It's important to note that the concept of Mahasatya is not shared across all Buddhist traditions and it's not a universally accepted term. Some Buddhist scholars and practitioners consider it to be a later development within Mahayana Buddhism and not found in the early Buddhist teachings.

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