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冬至4:48pm 12/21/2022不同经度对应不同时区
送交者: FVCK 2023月01月25日11:02:52 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 在北半球冬至是在太阳照射最偏离垂直线的时候,12月20-22空行 于 2023-01-25 04:57:35

冬至4:48pm 12/21/2022  不同经度对应不同时区, 就可能不同日子,就可能不同月份


Winter solstice 2022 is here: What it means, how to fight the winter blues

Wednesday, Dec. 21, marks this year's winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the start of the astronomical winter season. While we usually think of winter solstice as an entire day, it actually refers to the moment when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted at its maximum point away from the sun. This year, the winter solstice is at 4:48 pm


冬至4:48pm 12/21/2022  不同经度对应不同时区, 就可能不同日子,就可能不同月份


Winter solstice 2022 is here: What it means, how to fight the winter blues

Wednesday, Dec. 21, marks this year's winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the start of the astronomical winter season. While we usually think of winter solstice as an entire day, it actually refers to the moment when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted at its maximum point away from the sun. This year, the winter solstice is at 4:48 pm


    这个倒是每年有差,也就差一两天。我忽略了。  /无内容 - 空行 01/25/23 (42)
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