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送交者: FVCK 2023月05月28日04:53:38 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 欢迎pifu01教授来欧洲,不过机场换钱是最坑人的营生,果子狸 于 2023-05-28 03:42:05




一些欧洲商人和酒店经营者——利用以下事实 一些美国人被不寻常的货币吓倒了——他们高兴地 向您收取将购买价格转换为美元的费用。 如果他们提供这种“服务”,拒绝此“服务”(称为“动态货币转换”,或 “美元计价”)。 你会为看到你的昂贵的便利支付额外的费用 以美元收费。 价格通常基于糟糕的汇率 由商家的银行设置——即使你用“美元”支付, 您的信用卡发卡行可能仍会征收其标准的国外交易 费用。 DCC 收费在整个欧洲都很普遍; 在一些国家主要银行 要求商家提供。 如果你收到一张收据,上面有两个 总计——一个以当地货币为单位,另一个以美元为单位——圆圈 签字前以当地货币表示的金额。 根据 Visa 和 MasterCard 的说法,消费者有权拒绝 DCC 服务:如果您的收据只显示美元总额,请询问 它以当地货币再次响起。 如果商家拒绝 再次运行收费,现金支付,或在收据上注明“当地货币” not offered”并警告店员您将对费用提出异议 与您的银行。 一些 ATM 机也提供 DCC,通常是故意混淆或 误导性条款。 如果 ATM 提出“锁定”或“保证”您的 转换率,选择“不转换就继续”。 其他提示 可能会说,“你可以用美元支付:按 YES 支付美元,NO 欧元。”始终选择当地货币。

Dynamic Currency Conversion: Just Say No

Some European merchants and hoteliers — capitalizing on the fact that
some Americans are intimidated by unusual currencies — cheerfully
charge you for converting your purchase price into dollars. If it's
offered, refuse this "service" (called "dynamic currency conversion," or
DCC). You'll pay extra for the expensive convenience of seeing your
charge in dollars. The price is usually based on a lousy exchange rate
set by the merchant's bank — and even though you're paying in "dollars,"
your credit-card issuer may still levy its standard foreign-transaction

DCC charges are common all over Europe; in some countries major banks
require merchants to offer it. If you're handed a receipt with two
totals — one in the local currency and the other in US dollars — circle
the amount in the local currency before you sign.

According to Visa and MasterCard, consumers have the right to decline
DCC service: If your receipt shows the total in dollars only, ask that
it be rung up again in the local currency. If the merchant refuses to
run the charge again, pay in cash, or mark the receipt "local currency
not offered" and warn the clerk that you will be disputing the charges
with your bank.

Some ATM machines also offer DCC, often in purposefully confusing or
misleading terms. If an ATM offers to "lock in" or "guarantee" your
conversion rate, choose "proceed without conversion." Other prompts
might state, "You can be charged in dollars: Press YES for dollars, NO
for euros." Always choose the local currency.





一些欧洲商人和酒店经营者——利用以下事实 一些美国人被不寻常的货币吓倒了——他们高兴地 向您收取将购买价格转换为美元的费用。 如果他们提供这种“服务”,拒绝此“服务”(称为“动态货币转换”,或 “美元计价”)。 你会为看到你的昂贵的便利支付额外的费用 以美元收费。 价格通常基于糟糕的汇率 由商家的银行设置——即使你用“美元”支付, 您的信用卡发卡行可能仍会征收其标准的国外交易 费用。 DCC 收费在整个欧洲都很普遍; 在一些国家主要银行 要求商家提供。 如果你收到一张收据,上面有两个 总计——一个以当地货币为单位,另一个以美元为单位——圆圈 签字前以当地货币表示的金额。 根据 Visa 和 MasterCard 的说法,消费者有权拒绝 DCC 服务:如果您的收据只显示美元总额,请询问 它以当地货币再次响起。 如果商家拒绝 再次运行收费,现金支付,或在收据上注明“当地货币” not offered”并警告店员您将对费用提出异议 与您的银行。 一些 ATM 机也提供 DCC,通常是故意混淆或 误导性条款。 如果 ATM 提出“锁定”或“保证”您的 转换率,选择“不转换就继续”。 其他提示 可能会说,“你可以用美元支付:按 YES 支付美元,NO 欧元。”始终选择当地货币。

Dynamic Currency Conversion: Just Say No

Some European merchants and hoteliers — capitalizing on the fact that
some Americans are intimidated by unusual currencies — cheerfully
charge you for converting your purchase price into dollars. If it's
offered, refuse this "service" (called "dynamic currency conversion," or
DCC). You'll pay extra for the expensive convenience of seeing your
charge in dollars. The price is usually based on a lousy exchange rate
set by the merchant's bank — and even though you're paying in "dollars,"
your credit-card issuer may still levy its standard foreign-transaction

DCC charges are common all over Europe; in some countries major banks
require merchants to offer it. If you're handed a receipt with two
totals — one in the local currency and the other in US dollars — circle
the amount in the local currency before you sign.

According to Visa and MasterCard, consumers have the right to decline
DCC service: If your receipt shows the total in dollars only, ask that
it be rung up again in the local currency. If the merchant refuses to
run the charge again, pay in cash, or mark the receipt "local currency
not offered" and warn the clerk that you will be disputing the charges
with your bank.

Some ATM machines also offer DCC, often in purposefully confusing or
misleading terms. If an ATM offers to "lock in" or "guarantee" your
conversion rate, choose "proceed without conversion." Other prompts
might state, "You can be charged in dollars: Press YES for dollars, NO
for euros." Always choose the local currency.





一些欧洲商人和酒店经营者——利用以下事实 一些美国人被不寻常的货币吓倒了——他们高兴地 向您收取将购买价格转换为美元的费用。 如果他们提供这种“服务”,拒绝此“服务”(称为“动态货币转换”,或 “美元计价”)。 你会为看到你的昂贵的便利支付额外的费用 以美元收费。 价格通常基于糟糕的汇率 由商家的银行设置——即使你用“美元”支付, 您的信用卡发卡行可能仍会征收其标准的国外交易 费用。 DCC 收费在整个欧洲都很普遍; 在一些国家主要银行 要求商家提供。 如果你收到一张收据,上面有两个 总计——一个以当地货币为单位,另一个以美元为单位——圆圈 签字前以当地货币表示的金额。 根据 Visa 和 MasterCard 的说法,消费者有权拒绝 DCC 服务:如果您的收据只显示美元总额,请询问 它以当地货币再次响起。 如果商家拒绝 再次运行收费,现金支付,或在收据上注明“当地货币” not offered”并警告店员您将对费用提出异议 与您的银行。 一些 ATM 机也提供 DCC,通常是故意混淆或 误导性条款。 如果 ATM 提出“锁定”或“保证”您的 转换率,选择“不转换就继续”。 其他提示 可能会说,“你可以用美元支付:按 YES 支付美元,NO 欧元。”始终选择当地货币。

Dynamic Currency Conversion: Just Say No

Some European merchants and hoteliers — capitalizing on the fact that
some Americans are intimidated by unusual currencies — cheerfully
charge you for converting your purchase price into dollars. If it's
offered, refuse this "service" (called "dynamic currency conversion," or
DCC). You'll pay extra for the expensive convenience of seeing your
charge in dollars. The price is usually based on a lousy exchange rate
set by the merchant's bank — and even though you're paying in "dollars,"
your credit-card issuer may still levy its standard foreign-transaction

DCC charges are common all over Europe; in some countries major banks
require merchants to offer it. If you're handed a receipt with two
totals — one in the local currency and the other in US dollars — circle
the amount in the local currency before you sign.

According to Visa and MasterCard, consumers have the right to decline
DCC service: If your receipt shows the total in dollars only, ask that
it be rung up again in the local currency. If the merchant refuses to
run the charge again, pay in cash, or mark the receipt "local currency
not offered" and warn the clerk that you will be disputing the charges
with your bank.

Some ATM machines also offer DCC, often in purposefully confusing or
misleading terms. If an ATM offers to "lock in" or "guarantee" your
conversion rate, choose "proceed without conversion." Other prompts
might state, "You can be charged in dollars: Press YES for dollars, NO
for euros." Always choose the local currency.


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