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US economy defies expectations of slowdown to add 339,000 jobs in May

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US jobs growth was almost twice as strong as forecast in May, an unexpected sign of labour market resilience ahead of a Federal Reserve decision on whether to hold interest rates steady or push ahead with another increase.

The economy added 339,000 new non-farm jobs last month, according to figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, compared with expectations of about 195,000. Figures for the previous two months were also revised upwards.

Job gains were broad-based, with strong additions in professional services, healthcare, leisure and hospitality and construction.

“It’s hard based on this and other recent data to conclude that the labour market is slowing enough to take the heat off inflation,” said Nancy Vanden Houten, lead US economist at Oxford Economics.”

However, while the headline payrolls data, which is based on responses from businesses, suggested an extremely hot jobs market, the BLS’s survey of households presented more signs of cooling.

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It showed a 310,000 reduction in the number of people that are employed, which pushed the jobless rate to 3.7 per cent, from 3.4 per cent in April. Month-on-month wage growth cooled to 0.3 per cent and edged down on an annual basis to 4.3 per cent — though it remained well above the roughly 3.5 per cent level that is generally seen as a requirement for the Fed to hit its 2 per cent inflation target.


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