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德国经济学家:Engel coefficient。
送交者: FVCK 2023月06月03日02:30:47 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 2023第一季度对华逆差有所缓和FVCK 于 2023-06-02 20:08:14

Engel's law is an economic relationship proposed by the statistician Ernst Engel in 1857.

德国经济学家:Engel coefficient。
Engel coefficient is simply a food budget share.

The Engel coefficient is used for the purpose by The United Nations (UN),
where a coefficient above 59% represents poverty,
50-59% represents a state where daily needs are barely met,
40-50% a moderately well-off standard of living,
30-40% a good standard of living
and below 30% a wealthy life.


Ernst Engel (/ˈɛŋɡəl/; German: [ˈɛŋəl]; 26 March 1821 – 8 December 1896) was a German statistician and economist, famous for the Engel curve and Engel's law.

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