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送交者: Palmoil 2023月10月11日14:46:34 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 不知道对对眼 于 2023-10-11 14:14:25

On June 14, 2017, a mass shooting occurred during a practice session for the annual Congressional Baseball Game in Alexandria, Virginia, where six people were shot, including U.S. House Majority Whip, now U.S. House Majority Leader Steve ScaliseU.S. Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner, congressional aide Zack Barth, and lobbyist Matt Mika, by 66-year-old James Hodgkinson. A ten-minute shootout took place between Hodgkinson and officers from the Capitol and Alexandria Police before officers shot Hodgkinson, who died from his wounds later that day at the George Washington University Hospital.[7][8] Scalise and Mika were taken to nearby hospitals where they underwent surgery.[9]

Hodgkinson was a left-wing activist with a record of domestic violence from Belleville, Illinois,[10][11] while Scalise was a Republican Party member of Congress. The Virginia Attorney General concluded Hodgkinson's attack was "an act of terrorism ... fueled by rage against Republican legislators."[12] Scalise was the first sitting member of Congress to have been shot since Arizona Representative Gabby Giffords in the 2011 Tucson shooting.[13] In a 2021 report, the FBI classified the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism, and the perpetrator of the shooting as a "domestic violent extremist" with a "personalized violent ideology".[14][15]

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