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送交者: 胡魯 2017年08月25日09:25:54 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Mystery Deepens After US Confirms 16 Diplomats Suffered "Traumatic Brain Injury" In Cuban 'Sonic Attack'

Tyler Durden's picture

One of the most bizarre stories this week took a more sinister turn yesterday as the US State Department officially confirmed 16 US Government employees were affected by health attacks in Cuba.

State Deaprtment spokesperson Heather Nuarte calmly explained the details, which are quite frankly stunning...

And yet most of the mainstream media seems loathed to cover this!? Happy to focus on nazis?

CBS News, however, did some digging, discovering from a review of medical records that the American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury - and central nervous damage - after an apparent attack with a sonic weapon targeted their homes.

The diplomats complained about symptoms ranging from hearing loss and nausea to headaches and balance disorders after the State Department said "incidents" began affecting them beginning in late 2016.


A number of diplomats have cut short their assignments in Cuba because of the attacks.


The source says American diplomats have also been subjected other types of harassment including vehicle vandalization, constant surveillance, and home break-ins.

As Axios reports, The State Department hasn't explicitly identified the source of the attack or what person or entity might have carried it out.

"We hold the Cuban authorities responsible for finding out who is carrying out these health attacks on not just our diplomats but, as you've seen now, there are other cases with other diplomats involved," Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters earlier this month.

The Cuban government has denied any involvement with the incident.

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