印度正式向UN起訴中共製造生武要求索賠 |
送交者: Pascal 2020年04月04日15:21:14 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
As a direct impact of extensive GreatGameIndia reporting on the sinister aspect of Coronavirus being manufactured as a biological weapon, now India has dragged China to international court for waging COVID-19 War. India’s complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council seeking compensation from China specifically presents as evidence GreatGameIndia‘s report on how Chinese biowarfare agents stole Coronavirus from a Canadian lab and weaponized it at Wuhan Institute of Virology. In addition to the Indian complaint, a $20 trillion lawsuit has also been filed against China for waging a Biological war in Texas Federal Court, alleging that it unleashed the coronavirus as a bioweapon upon the world. GGI has come under massive attack for reporting these stories from so-called fact-checker organisations like NewsGuard who themselves are funded by Bill Gates to clear their name. The mainstream media owes GGI a big apology for slandering our name, failing to ask the basic question of ‘conflict of interest’.
The Complaint The International Council of Jurists (ICJ) and All India Bar Association have moved the United Nations Human Rights Council seeking compensation from China for “surreptitiously developing a biological weapon capable of mass destruction.” 谷歌譯文: 大量的GreatGameIndia報告直接報道了冠狀病毒被用作生物武器製造的陰險方面,這直接衝擊了印度。現在,印度已將中國因發動COVID-19戰爭而拖到國際法院。印度向聯合國人權理事會(United Nations Human Rights Council)尋求中國賠償的申訴,特別是作為GreatGameIndia關於中國生物戰劑如何從加拿大實驗室偷走冠狀病毒並將其武器化的報告的證據。 除了印度的投訴外,還因在德州聯邦法院發動生物戰而對中國提起了20萬億美元的訴訟,指控它釋放了冠狀病毒作為世界上的生物武器。 GGI因報道諸如NewsGuard之類的所謂事實檢查者組織的這些故事而受到大規模攻擊,這些組織本身由比爾·蓋茨資助以清除其名字。主流媒體因誹謗我們的名字而向GGI道歉,沒有問基本的“利益衝突”問題。 獨家:冠狀病毒生物武器–中國如何從加拿大偷走冠狀病毒並將其武器化(在此處觀看以可視化方式展示冠狀病毒的秘密歷史) 觀看生物武器專家弗朗西斯·博伊爾(Francis Boyle)博士關於被深州封鎖的冠狀病毒生物戰的獨家專訪 投訴 國際法學家委員會(ICJ)和全印度律師協會已移居聯合國人權理事會,要求其“秘密開發具有大規模殺傷性的生物武器”而要求中國賠償。 在致命冠狀病毒蔓延的背景下,全印度律師協會主席兼國際法學家委員會主席高級倡導者阿迪什·C·阿加瓦拉(Adish C. Aggarwala)提出了申訴。 阿格加瓦拉在訴狀中說:“我們很謙虛地祈禱,聯合國人權委員會可以高興地詢問和指導中國,並向國際社會和會員國,尤其是印度,秘密地開發能夠大規模殺傷人類的生物武器,給予適當的補償。” 倡導者要求中國賠償給世界造成嚴重的身體,心理,經濟和社會傷害。 Aggarwala還指出了大流行對印度經濟的影響,商品供求不平衡以及邊緣化人口的遷移。 投訴補充說:“該國的經濟活動被擱置了,反過來又對該國的本地經濟以及全球經濟造成了極大的打擊。” 申訴還稱,中國精心策劃了一個陰謀在世界範圍內傳播冠狀病毒,並違反了《國際衛生條例》,《國際人權和嚴重違反國際人道主義法和世界人權宣言》條款的規定。 “關於該病毒如何不傳播到中國所有省份,但同時又傳播到世界所有國家,仍然是一個謎。這種猜測只是增加了COIVD-19成為精心組裝的生物武器的可能性,該武器旨在使世界上主要國家癱瘓,而只有中國作為受益者。” 申訴人進一步稱,該病毒是在武漢病毒學實驗室開發的,該病毒是從該實驗室精心部署的,僅影響0.001%的中國人口。 他說,鄰國部署冠狀病毒是為了通過從處於經濟崩潰邊緣的國家購買股票來控制世界經濟。 他說,中國政府有意審查信息,並掩蓋了李文良博士的預警,而李文良博士實際上受到了中國地方當局的譴責和最初的懲罰。 “政府還沒有充分遏制和遏制感染者的旅行,以免進一步污染世界。” GGI影響 申訴書指出,中國政府精心策劃了新型冠狀病毒的執行和傳播,這可以通過中國考慮到這種情況以及該病毒在世界範圍內傳播的奇怪案例來推斷。 。如前所述,該病毒如何在中國所有省份傳播,但同時又如何傳播到世界所有國家,仍然是一個謎。 投訴還提供了GreatGameIndia的調查的證據,印度國家日報引用了該調查的內容,該調查涉及中國生物戰劑如何從加拿大實驗室偷走冠狀病毒,並在武漢病毒學研究所將其武器化。 2019年8月的某個時候,一群在加拿大的中國科學家被指控從事間諜活動並被剝奪了進入加拿大國家微生物實驗室的權限,據稱該實驗室含有世界上一些致命的病原體。然後,這些科學家被送往高安全性生化武漢實驗室,這是世界上最嚴密的實驗室之一。這些科學家後來開發出了COVID-19病毒,並於2019年12月上旬在武漢的某個地方將其釋放到外界,該病毒從那裡傳播。 The complaint was penned by senior advocate Adish C. Aggarwala, the Chairperson of All India Bar Association and President of International Council of Jurists, in the backdrop of the spread of deadly coronavirus, which has claimed thousands of lives across the world. “It is humbly prayed that the UNHRC may be pleased to enquire and direct China and to adequately compensate international community and member states, particularly India, for surreptitiously developing a biological weapon capable of mass destruction of mankind,” Aggarwala stated in the complaint. The advocate demanded remuneration from China for inflicting serious physical, psychological, economic and social harm on the world. Aggarwala also pointed out the effects of the pandemic on the Indian economy, the imbalance in demand and supply of commodities and migration of marginalized people. “The economic activity of the country is put on hold, in turn causing a huge dent on the local economy of the country as well as in general, the global economy,” the complaint added. The complaint further claimed that China meticulously hatched a conspiracy to spread the coronavirus in the world and violated provisions of International Health Regulations (IHR), International Human Rights and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Laws and UDHR clauses. “It remains a mystery as to how the virus has not spread to all provinces of China but at the same time, has spread to all countries in the world. The speculation only increases the likelihood of the COIVD-19 being a carefully assembled biological weapon, aimed at crippling major countries in the world leaving only China as the beneficiary,” the complaint pointed out. The complainant further claimed that the virus was developed in the Wuhan Virology Lab from where it was carefully deployed to affect a miniscule 0.001% of the Chinese population. He said that the neighboring country deployed the coronavirus virus in a bid to control the economy of the world by buying up stocks from countries that are on the brink of economic collapse. The Chinese government had deliberately censored information and hid the early warnings given by Dr. Li Wenliang, who was, in fact, reprimanded and initially punished by local authorities in China, he said. “The government also did not sufficiently contain and curb the travel of infected persons from further contaminating the world.” GGI ImpactIt complaint states that the Chinese government has meticulously planned the execution and spread of the Novel Coronavirus and the same can be inferred in the way China has taken regard of the situation as also of the curious case of the spread of the virus all over the world. As pointed earlier, it remains a mystery as to how the virus has not spread in all provinces of China but at the same time, has spread to all countries in the world. The complaint further presents as evidence findings of GreatGameIndia‘s investigation cited by India’s national daily on how Chinese biowarfare agents stole Coronavirus from a Canadian lab and weaponized it at Wuhan Institute of Virology. A group of Chinese scientists in Canada were accused of spying and were stripped of their access to Canada’s National Microbiology Lab, sometime in August 2019 and the said lab is known to contain some of the world‟s deadliest pathogens. These scientists then were sent to a High security biochemical Wuhan Lab, which is one of the world‟s most heavily guarded labs. That these scientists later developed the COVID-19 virus and released it to the outside world somewhere in the early days of December 2019 in Wuhan, from where the virus spread. 此外,該投訴還衝擊了主流媒體的議程,以壓制全球知名專家和有影響力的人物提出的這些事實。 開發這種強力和致命病毒的目的仍然是一個秘密。但是,有確鑿的證據表明,中國政府打算利用這一點來控制世界經濟。幾周前,俄羅斯專家已經提出了全球大流行背後的生物戰假說。 就像任何與西方政府及其媒體機構的官方版本略有不同的觀點一樣,這篇論文也被嘲笑並被指控為“陰謀論”。但是,全球第二大經濟強國外交部的官方發言人發表了說明這種可能性的說明後,便離開了“陰謀論”領域,進入了公眾輿論和官方政府的視野。版本。 針對中國發動生物戰爭的20萬億美元訴訟 除了印度向聯合國人權理事會的申訴外,還因中國發動了生物戰爭而對中國提起了20萬億美元的訴訟,指控它釋放了冠狀病毒作為美國律師和保守主義者激進主義者拉里在世界上的生物武器。克萊曼,他的公司Buzz照片和他的團隊Freedom Watch。 拉里·克萊曼(Larry Klayman)提起的集體訴訟的第一頁。在此處找到完整的文檔。資料來源:自由觀察 拉里·克萊曼(Larry Klayman)針對中國發動的生物戰爭提起的集體訴訟的第一頁。在此處找到完整的文檔來源:Freedom Watch 在訴訟中,克萊曼認為,由於中國已經根據《生物武器公約》條約同意將此類武器定為非法。 1984年11月,這些訴訟不能是中華民國的官方政府訴訟,因此,中國不能要求享有集體訴訟的法律豁免權。 克萊曼在聲明中補充說:“與美國在華盛頓特區成立的機構相反,美國納稅人沒有理由要為中國政府造成的巨大傷害承擔賠償責任。中國人民是一個好人,但他們的政府卻不是,它必須付出高昂的代價。” 克萊曼正在尋求20萬億美元的賠償,並呼籲受影響的美國人在他的網站Freedom Watch USA上註冊,並成為集體訴訟的一部分。該案已在德克薩斯州聯邦法院提起。 克萊曼並不是唯一一個呼籲中國開展生物戰活動的人。中國人對這種病毒的不當處理引起了全球的批評,許多知名人士提出要敦促國際社會對這些嚴重問題進行調查並採取行動。 有關爆發的最新更新,請查看我們的冠狀病毒覆蓋率。 通過填寫此表單來發送您的提示和意見,或者直接通過提供的電子郵件給我們寫信。加入我們的WhatsApp,獲取更多信息和更新。 GreatGameIndia是一本有關地緣政治與國際關係的雜誌。在我們的專着《認知失調的印度》中了解印度面臨的地緣政治威脅。可以從“存檔”部分訪問以前的雜誌發行。 在我們獨家的《麻醉恐怖主義史》中,詳細了解中國針對印度的生物化學戰爭活動。 我們需要您的支持,以開展針對印度面臨的外部和內部威脅的基於獨立調查研究的新聞。您的捐款無論多小,都能幫助我們維持生計。請考慮捐贈給GreatGameIndia。 Further the complaint also blasts the mainstream media’s agenda for suppressing these facts being raised by prominent experts and influential personalities worldwide. The purpose of developing such a potent and deadly virus remains a secret. However, there are solid evidences to show that th e Chinese government intends to utilize the same to take control of the world’s economy. The hypothesis of biological warfare behind the global pandemic had already been raised by Russian experts some weeks ago. Like any opinion that is slightly different from the official version of Western governments and their media agencies, the thesis was ridiculed and accused of being a “conspiracy theory”. However, as soon as the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the second largest economic power on the planet publishes a note attesting to this possibility, it leaves the sphere of “conspiracy theories” to enter the scene of public opinion and official government versions. $20 Trillion Lawsuit Against China For Waging Biological WarIn addition to the Indian complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council, a $20 trillion lawsuit has also been filed against China for waging a Biological war, alleging that it unleashed the coronavirus as a bioweapon upon the world by U.S. lawyer and conservative activist, Larry Klayman, his Company Buzz Photos and his group Freedom Watch. In the lawsuit, Klayman argued that because China had already agreed by Biological Weapons Convention treaty to outlaw such weapons c. November, 1984, these actions cannot be official governmental actions of the People’s Republic of China and therefore, China cannot claim legal immunity from the class action lawsuit. Klayman added in a statement, “There is no reason why the American taxpayer should, contrary to the establishment in Washington, D.C., have to pay for the tremendous harm caused by the Chinese government. The Chinese people are a good people, but their government is not and it must be made to pay dearly.” Klayman is seeking $20 trillion in damages and has called for affected Americans to sign up at his website Freedom Watch USA and become part of the class action lawsuit. The case has been filed in a Texas Federal Court. Klayman is not the only one calling out China’s Biological Warfare activities. Chinese mishandling of the virus has attracted global criticism and numerous prominent personalities have come forward urging the international community to conduct an investigation into these serious matter and take action. For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage. Send in your tips and submissions by filling out this form or write to us directly at the email provided. Join us on WhatsApp for more intel and updates. GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance. Past magazine issues can be accessed from the Archives section. Read more on Chinese Biological and Chemical warfare activities against India in our exclusive History of Narco-Terrorism issue.
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