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送交者: 福祿 2020年12月02日11:59:04 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Biden says he won’t immediately remove Trump’s tariffs on China

Instead, Biden intends to first review the existing U.S.-China agreement, and develop a “coherent strategy” with traditional allies in Europe and Asia, Thomas Friedman wrote following his hour-long phone call with the president-elect on Tuesday night.

“The best China strategy, I think, is one which gets every one of our — or at least what used to be our — allies on the same page. It’s going to be a major priority for me in the opening weeks of my presidency to try to get us back on the same page with our allies,” said Biden, according to Friedman.

Beijing wouldn’t welcome a U.S. that gathers a coalition against China

  都快進班房了,關稅關他個屁事。  /無內容 - 小琴爸 12/02/20 (82)
      大概法官是怕他跑回北京的娘家哦  /無內容 - gooddday 12/02/20 (100)
        C'mon man, 10% for the big guy  /無內容 - 小琴爸 12/02/20 (64)
  把白等做靶子就對了。誰在台上誰就是靶子。  /無內容 - pifu01 12/02/20 (89)
    小白一堆視頻在中共手裡,不盯他盯誰,他自己還10%吶。  /無內容 - pifu01 12/02/20 (56)
  作弊機山寨出的總統還想假戲真做  /無內容 - 秦川 12/02/20 (69)
      分清楚做弊事實和法官判定做弊 之間的區別。  /無內容 - 秦川 12/02/20 (98)
    大讚!  /無內容 - 淡紫 12/02/20 (61)
    阿拉粉川的一個重要原因就是川普說的一定會去做  /無內容 - 對對眼 12/02/20 (74)
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