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送交者: 福祿 2020年12月08日09:53:10 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Cruz explains why he agreed to argue Pa. election case if Supreme Court takes it up

GOP lawsuit challenges state's 2019 no-excuse mail-in voting law

Kelly and Parnell were initially granted a stay by Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough, but Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf's administration summarily filed an appeal with the State Supreme Court; a 5-2 Democratic majority. The higher court sided with Wolf, and Kelly's team moved to get the U.S. Supreme Court to rule.

The plaintiffs argue that the state does not have grounds to allow non-absentee vote-by-mail without a constitutional amendment. Nearly 30 Republican members of the state legislature have signed a document in amicus with Kelly and Parnell's case.

"The legislation was carefully drafted to protect the integrity of our elections and included specific provisions relating to deadlines and signature verification," they continued, adding that the State Supreme Court later "overrule[d] the will of the legislature and governor by changing deadlines and eliminating provisions requiring signature verification, thereby applying much looser standards to mail-in ballots than are applied to ballots cast in person."

"It raises pure issues of law, and I believe the Supreme Court should choose to take the case," Cruz told host Sean Hannity. "I think they should hear the appeal."

"When you look at a country where 39% of Americans right now believe this last election was rigged, that's a real problem for confidence in the integrity of our electoral system," the senator concluded. "So, I'm hopeful the Supreme Court will step forward to its responsibility and resolve this case and resolve other cases as needed."

  德州的起訴,他也出了力。  /無內容 - 淡紫 12/08/20 (66)
      他好像不是美國出生,不能競選總統  /無內容 - 淡紫 12/08/20 (50)
        我覺得他就留在參院懟民誅黨挺合適。他也無意進最高法做大法官  /無內容 - 淡紫 12/08/20 (43)
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