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送交者: 空行 2021年06月13日11:50:58 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

新加坡已成為世界上第一個對 Covid-19 屍體進行屍檢(驗屍)的國家。 經過徹底調查,發現 Covid-19 並不作為病毒存在,而是一種暴露於輻射並通過血液凝固導致人類死亡的細菌。
   已發現 Covid-19 疾病會導致血液凝固,這會導致人類血液凝固並導致靜脈血液凝固,從而使人呼吸困難,因為大腦、心臟和肺部無法獲得氧氣,導致人們死亡 迅速地。
   為了找出呼吸能量不足的原因,新加坡的醫生沒有聽從世衛組織的規程,而是對 COVID-19 進行了屍檢。 醫生打開胳膊、腿等身體部位仔細檢查後,發現血管擴張並充滿血塊,阻礙了血液流動,也減少了氧氣的流動。 在體內,它會導致患者死亡。 得知這項研究後,新加坡衛生部立即更改了 Covid-19 的治療方案,並為其陽性患者服用了阿司匹林。 我開始服用 100 毫克和 Imromac。 結果,患者開始康復,他們的健康狀況開始好轉。 新加坡衛生部一天內疏散了 14,000 多名患者並將他們送回家。
   據其他新加坡科學家稱,從來不需要呼吸機和重症監護室 (ICU)。 這種效果的協議已經在新加坡公佈
      與您的家人、鄰居、熟人、朋友和同事分享這些信息,讓他們擺脫對 Covid-19 的恐懼,並意識到這不是病毒,而是只暴露於輻射的細菌。 只有免疫力非常低的人才應該小心。 這種輻射還會引起炎症和缺氧。 受害者應服用 Asprin-100mg 和 Apronik 或 Paracetamol 650mg。


Singapore has become the first country in the world to conduct an autopsy (post-mortem) on Covid-19 corpses.  After thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but a bacterium that is exposed to radiation and coagulates the blood to cause human death.
    It has been found that Covid-19 disease can cause blood clotting, which can cause human blood to clot and cause venous blood to clot, making it difficult for people to breathe because the brain, heart, and lungs cannot get oxygen, causing people to die quickly.
    In order to find out the reason for the lack of breathing energy, doctors in Singapore did not follow WHO's procedures, but performed an autopsy for COVID-19.  The doctor opened the arms, legs and other body parts after careful examination, and found that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which blocked the blood flow and reduced the flow of oxygen.  In the body, it can cause the death of the patient.  Upon learning of this study, the Ministry of Health of Singapore immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment plan and took aspirin for its positive patients.  I started taking 100 mg and Imromac.  As a result, the patients began to recover and their health began to improve.  The Ministry of Health of Singapore evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home.
     After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the treatment method, saying that this disease is a global trick, "It is nothing but blood clots (blood clots) and treatment methods in the blood vessels.
    Antibiotic tablets
    Anti-inflammatory and
        Take anticoagulant (aspirin).
       This shows that the disease can be treated.
    According to other Singaporean scientists, ventilators and intensive care unit (ICU) are never needed.  The agreement for this effect has been announced in Singapore
        China already knows this, but it has never issued a report.
       Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues to get them out of their fear of Covid-19 and realize that it is not a virus, but bacteria that are only exposed to radiation.  Only people with very low immunity should be careful.  This radiation can also cause inflammation and hypoxia.  The victim should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.
    Source: Ministry of Health, Singapore

  可能是假消息,有待證實或證偽,對不住。  /無內容 - 空行 06/14/21 (287)
  是不是人體因輻射而降低對細菌抵抗力的意思?  /無內容 - 翁老榕 06/13/21 (296)
      不要嚇我,俺有緬甸相好。  /無內容 - 翁老榕 06/13/21 (241)
      你找不到第二個中國人比我更清楚。包括五毒所的人。lol  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 06/13/21 (235)
      去查查Event201就知道了。他們準備了。50年以上 - 綠野仙人 06/13/21 (256)
  謝謝你傳播真相。能就一個是一個。  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 06/13/21 (284)
      至於“暴露於輻射的細菌”,什麼輻射,緬甸礦石?  /無內容 - 空行 06/13/21 (251)
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