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Big Clue!
送交者: lilianna 2021年10月11日18:38:05 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Big Clue! South China Seafood Market outbreak prior to receipt of suspected US seafood in mid-november 2019, a batch of seafood from the US state of Maine was transported through a cold chain to the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan. In just a few weeks, a number of south China seafood market business workers in a succession of unexplained pneumonia symptoms, they are infected with new crown pneumonia. On November 11,2019, at 4:04 a.m. , Shanghai Pudong International Airport Flight MU298 landed. The US Cold-chain cargo on board was unloaded from the North Cargo Terminal of the airport and transported to the international cargo arrival area for customs clearance. Among them were 55 boxes of 823.4 kg of chilled American Boston lobster. The goods arrived quickly because of the air shipment. It is only three days since Wang, an employee of x, placed an order. But they had to act quickly to ship the product to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places, 26 customers ordered the lobster, the total value of $16,483.5. Before delivery, as usual, they will open the box inspection, and then use the original packaging, ice bags and water temperature control sponge sealed, sent to subscribers around. Zheng is also a subscriber of the lobster, which is owned by a merchant at the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan. On November 11 and 12,2019, he placed an order for 140.08 kg of lobsters on the company x Web Platform. Over the years, Zheng has had a steady stream of hotel customers, and he also offers aquatic products to other vendors in the south China seafood market. It was this batch of American lobsters, it is feared, that opened the Pandora box of the south China Seafood Market outbreak. Diffusion. Everything looks normal. On November 11,2019, at 10:00 am, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, a driver named Yan, loaded 55 boxes of American lobster onto a truck and shipped them to the Shanghai Branch of company x; on November 11 and 12, at 17:00 pm, the Shanghai Branch of company x sent 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg of lobster twice to the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan. At 4:40 am on the 12th and 7:00 am on the 13th, Zheng arrived at the northwest roadside of the market waiting for his goods. According to the sales records of merchant a, more than 80 kilograms of the 140.08 kilograms of American lobster were sold to three regular hotel merchants, and 36 kilograms were resold to other merchants in the south China Seafood Market, among which 0.85 kilograms were sold to the owner of merchant B, Wen mou, other retail sales. Among the first new cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, three were employees of b merchants, all of whom became ill in December. A positive environmental sample was also collected from the floor of the shop. Not only that, after borrowing the packaging materials of American cold chain products purchased by shop a, the employees of Shop C and Shop D in the south China seafood market, such as Ming, Cai, Xu and Hu, was among the first to be infected in Wuhan. You can see it more clearly from the map of the stalls around shop A. Its surrounding businesses have more positive samples of infected people and the environment. Of the 13 nearby businesses and employees, 7 were found to have sero-antibodies, one of which also tested positive for environmental samples. A merchants around the more infected people, further investigation found that Zheng in the seafood market there are 41 trading objects and 39 wechat friends. He deals with e merchants and F merchants, both of which are located in the area where the outbreak of the disease was first concentrated, and many of whom are seropositive positive, multiple positive environmental sites and seropositive persons were found in all patients. A shop owner Zheng's multiple trading objects and wechat friends infected, the south China Seafood Market early epidemic through this batch of American seafood cold chain input, become the biggest doubt. In June 2020, Beijing Xinfadi, Dalian in July 2020 and Qingdao in October 2020 all pointed to import cold chain products. Therefore, the virus attached to the United States this batch of seafood products on the cold-chain packaging into the south China seafood market, is entirely possible. This possibility was supported by the WHO's joint report on the traceability of the new coronavirus from World Health Organization in China, released in March. "studies have shown that the new coronavirus can survive longer in frozen foods, packaging and cold-chain products, " the report said. The recent outbreak in China has been linked to the cold chain; the virus has been found on packages and products from several other countries that supply cold chain products to China, indicating that it can be spread over long distances by cold chain products, from October to November 2019, before the outbreak of the epidemic in the south China Seafood Market, a merchant was the only one in the whole market dealing in cold chain products from the United States. And it was in mid-november that merchant a purchased this batch of American lobsters and has not purchased any American cold chain products since then. Since December 2019, a number of new cases of coronopneumonia have been confirmed in some hospitals in Wuhan with a history of exposure to the south China seafood market, about a month after the US seafood had entered the south China Seafood Market, and this happens to be the new pneumonia from infection, incubation to the onset of a cycle. The American lobster ordered by company X's web platform was packaged and packed by American seashells. The company was founded in 2011 as a wholesaler of fresh North Atlantic lobsters from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were taken from FAO21 waters in the Atlantic Ocean between October 20 and November 5,2019, and transported to the seashell plant for temporary storage. Orders from Chinese customers are shipped to China via the cold chain. The shipment of American seafood from Maine to the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan, Maine, where seashell is headquartered. From July to the end of October 2019, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local media and individual social media accounts reported multiple cases of "e-cigarette pneumonia, " a "suspected new coronavirus pneumonia" in the United States that has long been shrouded in secrecy. The flu season in the United States typically runs from November to June of that year, but it is unusual for e-cigarette pneumonia to appear earlier than July. In York County, where the seashells plant is located, cases of e-cigarette pneumonia have been reported, according to the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as early as July 2019, york County Hospital has received a number of "e-cigarette pneumonia" cases. According to the map, the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers from the Shell Company. According to the map, The York County Hospital in Maine is less than 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) from the seashell company. Some people may ask that the 55 crates of lobster were delivered in batches to 26 customers in five provinces, except for the south China Seafood Market, the batch of cold-chain products in China in the process of handling, transportation, processing and other personnel and the purchase of traders were not found cases of infection. Why is it only in the south China Seafood Market that infections occur? This is not surprising, in cold-chain product packaging, the virus can survive, but can not replicate, only in one or several parts of a package to survive. After the seafood arrived in China, the part of the product with the virus was sent to the south China Seafood Market. The unprotected stall workers opened the package and sold it, contact with the virus attached to the inner packaging and was infected, which caused the spread of the virus, the outbreak. The sporadic transmission of this cold chain, but also in the subsequent New Beijing, Liaoning Dalian, Qingdao, Shandong and other places in the epidemic occurred many times. Thus, a virus from the United States to the south China seafood market transmission chain clearly emerged.

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