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What are the home design sofas? Cheap furniture recommended
送交者: Aabby 2021年12月28日18:00:52 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Cheap furniture also has style

Nowadays, more and more people buy cheap furniture to decorate their homes. Cheap furniture uk also has a good sense of design, so what are the home design styles? I will show you three home design cases.

The first type: modern minimalist style

Modern and simple style is the favorite style of contemporary young people. The simple design makes people feel comfortable. More importantly, the subsequent shot is the style of Internet celebrity ins. Whether it is a person or a thing, it can look good in an instant. Even many homestays are decorated under the name of simple style, selling more expensive prices. Therefore, cheap furniture becomes the first choice.

The second type: Nordic style

The Nordic style is slightly similar to the simple style, both are composed of simple and bright colors. The Nordic style will look more atmospheric, gaining the status of the first decoration sister in the decoration style of the twentieth century. Many people love the details and the comfortable and harmonious overall environment. However, the Nordic style is more suitable for large.

Type 3: loft style

Many young people and office workers buy a loft flat, i.e. a small apartment with a high lift frame, where you only have to pay for one floor when you buy it, but you can renovate it as two floors above and below. Affordability, affordability and simplicity are synonymous with it. I'm sure no office worker can refuse the comfort that loft brings him.

Tips for choosing a cheap sofa

I bought too many cheap sofas, bedding and Scandinavian tableware. The tableware just sits there in the cupboard, as if to remind me sombrely of all those dinner parties I didn't host. But I've never had the urge to spend my money on a cheap sofa. When I'm invited to someone's house, their sofa doesn't elicit my envy either. More often than not, my reaction is to sit straight down on the sofa, spill a few biscuit crumbs and then get up and leave.

Maybe it's a matter of vision. Take a car, put a Porsche side by side next to a Kia and you can easily see the design and engineering excellence of the former and (to some extent) understand why it costs so much. But if there are two sofas, one a $700 sofa from furniture chain Bob's Furniture Barn and the other a high-end B&B Italia that would cost me tens of thousands of dollars, I don't see much difference between them. Both look more or less like boxes with cushions; both are likely to remain standing after 20 years, as long as you don't perform inappropriate gymnastic manoeuvres on them.

For years, I sat in a cheap Danish modern sofa and looked around my living room. It was long, narrow and low like a small boat. I bought it for $100 at a second-hand furniture shop. When one of its legs broke off, I padded it with some books underneath and leaned more towards the side that wasn't broken when I sat. This solution seemed to work. The sofa often endures humiliation (well, mine does anyway): soaked with spilled drinks, sticky with pet hair and doubling as cheap beds to accommodate transient friends. If the furniture in the living room is a fleet of cars, the sofa is the family caravan of them all. Why spend too much money on a caravan?
Some would argue that a great seating unit can last a lifetime, but who wants to make that lifetime commitment to a sofa? Do you want to pass it on to your grandchildren as a family heirloom? You've never heard of children fighting for the right to inherit a sofa.
But now, I need to buy a new sofa to replace the cheap one I bought before. I always buy cheap sofas, and I never treat them well. This time, however, I changed my approach and decided to check out the design and craftsmanship of a high-end sofa first, to compare it with the frugal ones and see if it was worth spending more money on a sofa.

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