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送交者: FVCK 2022年03月02日11:16:19 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

What are the dangers of a nuclear explosion?

There are several dangers associated with nuclear explosions. A bright flash from an explosion can cause temporary blindness to a person for less than a minute.

Another hazard is referred to as a blast wave which can cause death, injury, and damage to buildings several miles away from the explosion’s origin. Fire and heat from a nuclear explosion can result in death and burn injuries.

Exposure to radiation from an explosion can damage a person’s cells in their body and can also cause radiation sickness. 

Nuclear explosions can also cause fallout which is radioactive visible dirt and debris that falls from the sky several miles up and it can sicken people who are outside. According to Ready.gov, fallout is very dangerous within the first few hours after an explosion because it produces high levels of radiation. 

Additionally, fire and heat from a nuclear explosion can result in death and burn injuries.

How can I prepare and stay safe if there is a nuclear explosion?

Nuclear explosions are unpredictable, but it doesn’t mean you can’t take necessary precautions to stay safe. 

When warnings are provided by officials of a possible explosion, getting to a safe space or quickly into a nearby building is key. While inside either location, it’s important to avoid standing next to windows to stay protected from the blast, heat, and radiation from a nuclear explosion. 

If you’re outside when a nuclear explosion occurs, you should find cover behind anything that offers protection from the blast. It’s important to lie face down to protect your skin from heat and flying debris. You should also avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. 

Having adequate supplies during a nuclear attack is critical. Emergency supply kits are ideal to take with you when staying somewhere for an extended amount of time. This kit should consist of bottled water, packaged foods, medicine, batteries, and a hand-crank or battery-powered radio to receive media reports in case you lose power. 

Individuals who are sick or injured in a nuclear explosion should listen for instructions to seek medical attention when law enforcement considers it safe to leave a safe space. Once it’s safe, you should call your health care provider for instructions. If you’re staying in a public shelter, you need to inform the employees at the facility so they can contact a local hospital or clinic.

What if I’m exposed to radiation during a nuclear explosion?

If you are exposed to radiation, you should immediately remove your clothing and wash your skin if it’s unprotected. It’s also important to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. '

Take a shower or wash with soap and water to remove fallout from any skin or hair that was not covered. If you cannot wash or shower, use a wipe or clean wet cloth to wipe any skin or hair that was exposed. If you are a pet owner, you should clean your pets thoroughly to protect them from possible radiation. 

Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are not effective items for cleaning your skin after radiation exposure. 

Where should you go during a nuclear explosion?

Having a designated shelter space is one of the best ways to prepare yourself ahead of a potential disaster. These areas can be places where you spend the majority of your time, including your home, office, and school. Outdoor spaces like cars and mobile homes don’t provide quality shelter during a possible nuclear explosion. 

When a nuclear explosion occurs, the best location to seek shelter is in the basement or the in middle of a room in one of these places to avoid radiation exposure. If you have pets, make sure they are with you and protected. 

If a person is sheltering in place with individuals who are not their family, its important to keep a distance of six feet from them.

Families who are separated during nuclear explosions should stay inside wherever they’re located and should wait to reconnect with love ones to avoid potential radiation exposure.

According to Ready. gov, it’s recommended that you remain inside a building for 24 hours unless local law enforcement officials provide other instructions.

This story was reported from Washington, D.C.

  Old post - FVCK 06/09/23 (26)
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