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送交者: FVCK 2022年05月26日18:27:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay hotel, he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people[a] and wounding 411 with the ensuing panic bringing the number of injured to 867. About an hour later, Paddock was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive is officially undetermined.

The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in United States history. It focused attention on firearms laws in the U.S., particularly with regard to bump stocks, which Paddock used to fire shots in rapid succession, at a rate similar to that of automatic firearms.[4] Bump stocks were banned by the U.S. Justice Department in December 2018.[5]

    只有我們美國,校園槍殺大案層出不窮。  /無內容 - pifu01 05/26/22 (60)
    Stephen Paddock-子彈1808發明晚於第二修正 - FVCK 05/26/22 (102)
      我對持有1789年代的裝填火藥槍沒有異議 - FVCK 05/26/22 (117)
        自由創業失敗心中憤恨的人本來就多,無限制的擁“槍”,小心。  /無內容 - FVCK 05/26/22 (135)
          其實,不用槍,開車碾壓人群造成的傷亡也是很大的 - 對對眼 05/26/22 (101)
            911沒帶一把槍的19名恐怖分子殺死了3000 人 - Palmoil 05/26/22 (87)
              對。沒有槍,罪犯會用其它辦法和作案工具殺人 - 對對眼 05/26/22 (96)
              中共病毒搞死了100萬  /無內容 - rock.rock2022 05/26/22 (69)
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