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Court overturns Roe v. Wade
送交者: FVCK 2022年06月24日08:06:27 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

They are busy these days.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, sends abortion back to the states

Roe has fallen, and the fight over abortion in America will now rage on into a new and possibly even more polarizing and divisive chapter.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, that the Constitution does not guarantee a right to abortion, in one of the most momentous and controversial decisions of the past few decades.

The court’s conservative majority overturned the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade by a vote of 6-3. Roe had stood as one of the most debated rulings in the court’s history: revered by many women’s rights advocates and reviled by conservatives who believe abortion kills a human life.

  Decided June 24, 2022 - FVCK 06/24/22 (98)
    Google Translate - FVCK 06/24/22 (102)
    6-3 again.  /無內容 - FVCK 06/24/22 (256)
      反對者包括兩個老油,一個波多黎各西裔  /無內容 - Palmoil 06/24/22 (238)
        支持者支持程度不同 - FVCK 06/24/22 (163)
          Google Translate: - FVCK 06/24/22 (89)
  Trump's legacy to stay  /無內容 - FVCK 06/24/22 (238)
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