看起來,除了直言外,這裡的老海黃們認為:“Chinese food is horrible" 不怎是offensive。大家對洋文化的理解不深。
跟丫平時也嘻嘻哈哈, 昨天會議氣氛也不嚴肅。
丫說完:Chinese food is horrible 後, 補充一句:“秦腔啊, no offense."
當時我立即還吃不准那句話有多大的OFFENSE. 別的同事, 被他的話逗樂了, 說他:”funny, Just like: ‘you suck, no offense.’"
很顯然, 洋人們的文化, 認為這句話是offensive.
他也不好意思了, 趕緊解釋, 不是想offensive。
我也笑了,說:“I am not very much offended, but, you know, it seems you do not know Chinese food. I do not want to waste other's time talk about Chinese food over the meeting, Let's talk more afther the meeting."
會議剛一結束, 大家還沒走,
我笑着說:”no offense, Sam, what you talked over the meeting is BULLSHIT!"