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送交者: 衣冠禽獸 2014年08月07日13:24:28 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Rivers: Palestinian civilians 'deserve to be dead'

Andrea Mandell, USA TODAY12:53 p.m. EDT August 7, 2014

By now, you'd think celebrities would know betterthan to wade into the Israeli-Gaza conflict. But Joan Rivers has never been one to hold back, and when paparazzi questioned the comedian on the nearly 1,900 Palestinian civilians killed as Israel and Hamasexchanged rockets, she had these incendiary remarks to share:

"You can ask Colin Powell. When you declare war, you declare war. They started it. We now don't count who's dead. You're dead — you deserve to be dead. You started it."

TMZ has the video here (and there's more). Joan's remarks come as a deal for peace in Gaza is attempted to be hammered out in Cairo this week. Expect demands for an apology to surge in 3..2..1…

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