贴一个撒切尔的演讲。她曾经是Bilderberg的成员,后来 |
送交者: 冬冬 2016年06月30日20:22:44 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
她知道设计欧盟的人意图后,她决定做一个演讲,后来她辞职。其实就是不允许她继续作为保守党的党魁,因为她反对欧盟独裁/官僚/集中计划的模式。 Margaret Thatcher, a naive Bilderberger, realised later on the EU was a dictatorship, and made her Brugge speech opposing it. Within one year the other Bilderbergers in her cabinet had her out on the street, and a compliant Bilderberger, John Major in her place. Margaret has suffered ill health ever since, preventing her from mounting a campaign; that was almost certainly a substance administered in her food. |
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